Ron Paul endorses drug addiction | The Fireside Post Ron Paul endorses drug addiction | The Fireside Post
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Ohg Rea Tone is all or nothing. He is educated and opinionated, more clever than smart, sarcastic and forthright. He writes intuitively - often disregarding rules of composition. Comment on his posts - he will likely respond with characteristic humor or genuine empathy. He is the real-deal.

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Ron Paul endorses drug addiction


We have comments from Ron Paul supporters that compare laws against marijuana to prohibition against alcohol. These folks, and Ron Paul, fail to understand the trauma of modern drugs. The real sadness is that Ron Paul is a physician – and he seems to turn a blind eye to the problem of a pandemic illness sweeping our country.

Cocaine was first reduced to powder form in 1850. Opium was synthesized into Heroin in 1898. Methamphetamine was invented in 1919. Oxyconton, a synthetic heroin, was synthesized in the late 1990’s. These drugs have swept our country like a plague of locusts.

Alcohol and marijuana are referred to as ‘gateway’ drugs. For a physician to ignore the facts of addiction is deplorable. The drug addicts that write comments on this site are in a state of mind that confuses them – they cannot see the truth because their minds are addled with mood altering chemicals. On the right side of this page there is a category called On Addiction – please look here for further clarification.  See On Addiction.

Go ahead – write comments – make my day.


There Are 19 Responses So Far. »

  1. Don’t be taken in by the government rhetoric about this. Drug addiction is like a disease just like alcoholism and is a public health issue. In fact alcohol has been proven to be the most destructive drug in use. Don’t demonize illegal drugs when it’s the perfectly legal one causing most of the trouble.

    A lot of the problems with illegal drugs stems from the fact that they’re illegal. If something is illegal then typically you have to deal with bad people just to get the substance. If drugs were legal then you’d take care of that whole drug cartel problem which untold amounts of money is spent on. Also there is a lot of violence involved with these cartels and their dealings. This is just another one of those never ending wars that will keep costing us money but in essence change very little.

    People who want this change have a common sense approach. Why encourage illegal activities through this criminalization? Where do you think the mob came from? It came from prohibition and now they’re very involved in the drug trade. This war on drugs just makes the problem worse and certainly will never solve the problem. That’s why decriminalization is a needed step on the road to recover from this problem.

    The problem stems from the people who want to be the moral police. They believe that what they think is wrong must be illegal and stamped out. This approach is like catching flies with a hammer. It doesn’t solve anything and certainly makes things worse. Maybe if these people would listen to a man of common sense such as Dr. Paul they would realize what kind of mess they’ve made of things.

  2. How does it feel to be a liar with pants contantly on fire?
    All in all you sir, are a purveyor of untruths and an uncouth rogue

  3. you need to smoke some weed and chill out man

  4. Would Ron Paul say that a person can choose to have smallpox if the want to? Probably not. Would Ron Paul say that people who have the plague have done so at their own discretion? Probably not.

  5. that’s a really seriously misleading title. if you youtube ‘ron paul morton downey’ and see Paul’s real view on drugs.

    ron paul thinks drug use, abuse and addiction is horrible.

    the bigger issue is all the people that are going to prison, for a long time. prison is not the solution, and the ‘war on drugs’ has not reduced drug use, just cost billions and very very sadly sent lots of people to jail.

    think about everything you’ve ever seen on prison life, prison gangs, prison rape, prison health care, prison deaths, prison cost in tax dollars —- does anyone think that having millions of drug users in prison is going to somehow improve something?

    if your child got ‘into’ drug use, or got caught carrying drugs (even once) – would you want them sent to prison?

  6. Don’t think that Ron Paul condones drug addiction, just freedom to chose responsibility for your own actions instead of the government doing it for you. But actually, the Bush Administration DOES condones drug abuse. Our military invaded Afghanistan a few years ago, remains there to this day, and ironically, the 2007 poppy/opium crop was the BEST ever recorded!!!

  7. Are you kidding? No one is going to condone irresposible drug use, especially when so much research has been done for the medical use of Marijuana.
    Everything from Chronic Pain to Alzheimer’s Disease.
    Do research before you post.

  8. Let’s see. First we tell lies about Ron Paul and his supporters. Then we tell lies about drugs and drug users. Then we tell lies about anyone who disagrees with us.

    All so we can take over violent control of other people’s bodies and stuff thousands of harmless people into prisons in the name of “society”.

    This writer is a sadist. I smell a pig.

  9. You asume that addiction would be more prevalent if drugs were legal, google the stats on the Netherlands and you will be very suprised.

    Drug laws are lke gun control, sure drugs and guns kill people but banning them doesn’t help.

  10. Drug Addiction will not only ruin your body but it would also mess up your life.;,*

  11. […] It is no secret that the establishment Republican party hates and fears Ron Paul. They have pulled out all stops to make sure he never gets anywhere near the Oval Office. Paul is continually attacked in the corporate media as a political throwback and isolationist whomakes excuses for terrorists and drug addicts. […]

  12. The author of this article is clearly retarded and misinformed. Do your research first you epic noob

  13. I love it when people call me names rather than address the issue.

  14. […] It is no secret that the establishment Republican party hates and fears Ron Paul. They have pulled out all stops to make sure he never gets anywhere near the Oval Office. Paul is continually attacked in the corporate media as a political throwback and isolationist who makes excuses for terrorists and drug addicts. […]

  15. […] It is no secret that the establishment Republican party hates and fears Ron Paul. They have pulled out all stops to make sure he never gets anywhere near the Oval Office. Paul is continually attacked in the corporate media as a political throwback and isolationist whomakes excuses for terrorists and drug addicts. […]

  16. I don’t know – Ohg the Noob has a nice ring to it.

  17. Ya, what bryan said except… epically. When I read the words epic and noob togther it makes me think the response was written by Jeff Spicoli.

    Well ohg at least he commented on you being a heroically poetic new guy.

  18. I don’t get it. What are you guys talking about?

  19. […] It is no secret that the establishment Republican party hates and fears Ron Paul. They have pulled out all stops to make sure he never gets anywhere near the Oval Office. Paul is continually attacked in the corporate media as a political throwback and isolationist whomakes excuses for terrorists and drug addicts. […]