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All Posts Tagged With: "centralized"

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The Federal Government is BIG Because Locals Are Not Responsible

The big toot in the news today (and for the past forty year) has been anti-Big Government.  Ronald Reagan swept the electorate on his charge that ‘Government is the problem.’  We have to ask why.  Why has our Federal Government grown to such a behemoth?  The answer is really quite simple – it is because […]

19Apr2010 | | Comments Off on The Federal Government is BIG Because Locals Are Not Responsible | Continued
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Ron Paul, Marijuana, Government

Son, Ron Paul takes huge leaps of logic. There is a fundamental problem with his libertarian philosophy. That philosophy ignores the inter-dependence of modern society. Centralized government must take a larger role in a world where individuals States can no longer stand alone – Marijuana crosses the State borders like the wind. No one State […]

24Jan2008 | | 3 comments | Continued