Is This The Way To Expose Your Light or Darkness | The Fireside Post Is This The Way To Expose Your Light or Darkness | The Fireside Post
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Nancy Belle. I am a reader. Books have been my safe haven for a great part of my life. My children all marveled at my ability to shut everything out and escape the turmoil around me, just by picking up a book. Much of what I know about this world is from the written word. My education is much greater than what is shown on paper, simply because I can and love to read. Having come to my senior years I have stories to tell and opinions to share, hopefully for your pleasure or enlightenment. Yet, perhaps some may not be in agreement or find my stories boorish, that's alright, too. Here's to my exploring and finding my way, with words!

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Is This The Way To Expose Your Light or Darkness

A week or so ago… A friend on Facebook posted about the Biden student loan forgiveness, currently in many discussions throughout MSM and Social Media. Following is a transcript of that post, no names will be disclosed. This is not about an individual. It’s about a pervasive attitude amongst too many, one that is destroying our country, not lifting us up.

**We should be discriminate in forgiving student loan debt. My education paid off. I had a great career. That is not always the case. For-Profit schools raped several generations of unsuspecting students. Two-year programs designed to make a profit with no educational or job value soaked up the student loan money. We had one of those schools right here in St. Joseph. Another example is Trump University. Students were promised a false future and led down the student loan path. I see this as a criminal con-game. Those students were duped by legal con-artists. Secondly – forgiveness of debt is not new in America. Bad decisions are waved by legal bankruptcy – sort of like Donald Trump stiffing his creditors several times. **

Nothing wrong with the posted opinion, unless you are a hard core Trump enthusiast. I do have opinions on this subject, mine do lean to the more conservative side. Yet, there are facts that I know and feel should be shared with those who most likely do not know. I shared what I thought to be a non toxic opinion based on facts my 73 years have witnessed:

**Currently student loans are not allowed to be entered into bankruptcy. They used to be several decades ago. Our government decided to disallow that option. It would have been really simple to reinstate, but that would have left out AOC and others who want their debt gone but would not qualify for bankruptcy. So this forgiveness is not what it seems. Because, even though bankruptcy was not an option, there have been other programs to help people get forgiveness when predatory schools were involved or they had become unable to pay because of low income and/or disability. This current deal is Biden’s effort to get votes for the Democratic party. We can’t take anything they do at face value. It’s always a bid for power**

One person responded. So quickly someone could have suffered whiplash. This is what they had to say:

**no need to ask your thoughts regarding anything… I’ll just switch to fox news to see your opinion from now on… wonder if you ever depended on food stamps to feed your family or volunteer at a food kitchen? Perhaps Jesus appeared during one of your visions and changed his mind about helping the less fortunate . Have a nice day and enjoy your Joel Osteen and your bribable**

Although, I am a Christian, I just don’t know what my post said that triggered an attack against my beliefs. I also fail to see the connection between food stamp dependency or being a food kitchen volunteer. As for the snide remark about Joel Osteen… Well that’s a novel for another time and place. I have been one of those less fortunate. In high school, I worked in the kitchen for my lunch. There were many other students, more fortunate ones, who looked down their noses and bullied people like me. I suspect this guy was one of them. Call it anything you like; ‘stupidity’ or ‘heroism’ or anywhere in between. I just don’t lay down and suffer silently, when pounded over the head with misogynistic and/or any other unwarranted derision. So, I responded with this:

**obviously you prefer your fantasy life. No need to figure that one out. If you think I’m a card carrying Republican or constant reader of Breitbart OR for that matter a worshipper of Joel Osteen, that would be absolute evidence of your inability to read ANYONE. Your head is so far up the ass of the Liberal left it’s probably the reason for your ineptitude. Thank you for the opportunity to rip one off. Here’s to a more unified existence???**

Well, it did make me feel better! But the cardinal rule of “Never argue with a fool” was broken! These kind of people are indeed, unable to get along with anyone who doesn’t look or sound like themselves. He responded:

** if you not a card carrying republican you may have forgotten your purse… did you just return from Europe like at the Berlin Nazi University… just remember … the Jesus you claim to believe in was merciful … unlike your hateful bigoted, sorry self … you my dear are easy to read… your entire being would fit on a postage stamp… you are as fake as your hair … you belong in Springfield Branson…Klan/white power/bigots… wonder if your lord will save Charles?**

My decision to write about this was #1 because of his reference to my husband Charles. Charley had been in the hospital with a collapsed lung and a newly discovered heart problem that required a pacemaker. He was a very sick man for a couple of weeks. Because I am a believer, I did make requests for prayers from my friends on Facebook. Very many of them lovingly responded with same, along with encouraging and kind words for me and my family. #2 This is not the first time, since I have joined Facebook in 2009, that a progressive, liberal, democrat, atheist or whatever they may call themselves has attacked me on a personal level.

I am politically, an Independent Conservative. I have voted throughout the years both Democrat and Republican and other than Communist, many other parties as well. It’s this kind of rhetoric in the past 13 years, especially the last seven, that has me leaning evermore to the Republican side. No where in my postings has there ever been any acknowledgement or support of KKK or white supremacy. Yet, this person who only knows I am a conservative Christian, scours my page for ammunition and uses me as a punching bag in a public forum. They actually make Trump look like a saint. Though I would rather see someone else be nominated for the Republican candidate, if Trump runs I would vote for him. Based purely on the vindictive, sewer like spiel I see and hear coming from a great many of our people, who believe it is beneficial in supporting their political sides. Truth is… It may have worked for a minute, but it’s sending many more to find a more peaceful and unifying way to keep our country safe and the people who reside here.

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