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Health Care

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Rescue Dogs and Christians

A friend said, “My favorite breed of dog is Rescue”. I have had a couple of rescue dogs; they are like Christians, you never know what you are going to get. Our first rescue dog was in 1971. We called her Pal. She was a pal, snuggling and warm and loving. She had black curly […]

11Jul2021 | | 1 comment | Continued
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Chronic Maladies Get Brushed Off as Just Aging

I have a condition called peripheral neuropathy – in both legs and some in my right arm. I have to wear braces to walk. This condition ‘came on’ in my late sixties. I am not diabetic. I was an outpatient at St. Luke’s Neurology in KC all summer (2019). After extensive testing from everything from […]

16Feb2020 | | 2 comments | Continued
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Depression is

Kate Spade, now Anthony Bourdain….the numbers continue to rise. But the only time anyone talks about suicide is when a celebrity is struck down by THIS AWEFUL DISEASE CALLED DEPRESSION!!! They say we (society) need to TALK about IT. Yet, those who suffer from IT feel so ASHAMED they often keep IT to themselves. They […]

8Jun2018 | | 2 comments | Continued
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Well Dang, I Have Foot Drop

I have a diagnosed medical condition that I did not know existed a month ago. I am using the proper noun “I” often because this is all about me.  I believe this problem has existed for some time because I wrote about it in 2012. Humor is often my escape from the cruelty of reality.  […]

9Apr2018 | | 2 comments | Continued
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I Wrote My Own Story

This whole series of essays has explored the nurture and nature of my life.  Some attempt to sort out nature and nurture necessarily meant writing less than favorable events in my family.  All has been true.  Which brings us to a sticking point, a conflict of philosophy – that of individual accountability and responsibility.  There […]

20Feb2018 | | 2 comments | Continued
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Letting Go

Anyone following this trail of essays on mental health might find themselves feeling sorry for this old fool.  That is not my intention.  About ninety-eight percent of my troubles have been the consequences of my own decisions.  Does that make them less painful?  No.  Becoming aware of consequences directly related to one’s own decisions relieves […]

17Feb2018 | | 2 comments | Continued
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Kelly Ann Conway on Domestic Violence

Kelly Ann Conway, some sort of advisor to the President of the United States, was on CNN this morning.  She was present on the set of State of The Union with Jake Tapper.  A little back story – A Presidential aid, Rob Porter, has been accused by two ex-wives of domestic violence.  He denied the […]

11Feb2018 | | 2 comments | Continued
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Immature, or Mentally Ill?

Anyone following this string of articles about my mental health might be growing weary.  I struggle to find the correct words.  I am generally fond of words and know how to use them, but exploring mental health is difficult terrain to cross.  It finally comes down to this: I am a senior citizen – what […]

8Feb2018 | | 2 comments | Continued
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The Individual, Mental Health, and Maturity

Previous posts have explored my personal mental health from both nature and nurture.  Clearly it is difficult to sort out cause and effect.  How might we look at any adult and determine cause of poor behavior?  Individual humans throw a curve ball at stereotypes.  We do not know why two soldiers experiencing the same trauma […]

7Feb2018 | | 1 comment | Continued
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Family As A Barometer – The Highs and Lows of Life

Most of us do not like to talk publicly about our families. When we do we are praising someone for a public accomplishment, like being on the honor role at school or getting a promotion at work. The underbelly of family life generally is taboo. And why not? It is nobody’s business what our family […]

1Feb2018 | | 1 comment | Continued
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Chemical Changes To Behavior

Mental health is a concern to many.  In our modern world we see acts of unstable mental wellness often.  These episodes come in the form of mass shootings, the killing of innocent children, tent cities of homeless people along river banks, road rage, and other acts of humanity that are less than humane.  Even so, […]

14Jan2018 | | 1 comment | Continued
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Aggravated With Medicare And The Health System

Right off let me be clear, I am a senior.  That is somewhere between middle age and elderly.  My health insurance is Medicare with a United Health Care supplement.  As I have aged I have experienced more aches and pains resulting from the active utilization of my body parts.  Did I mention that I have […]

1Jan2018 | | 2 comments | Continued
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Feelings! Legitimate Or Not

In cognitive behavioral treatment we learn to think, then feel, then act.  Some folks get into trouble when they feel, act, then think.  My personal notion is that we always think first; the question is why do we think such negative thoughts that result in hurt feelings and thus bad behavior? I did four years […]

15Dec2017 | | 2 comments | Continued
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A Visit To The ER

I cut my finger.  Or perhaps I should say my finger was in the way when the door was closing.  I thought for a moment the finger was broken but it turned out to be only a bone deep cut.  My deductible for an ER visit is seventy-five dollars – what to do?  After a […]

12Jun2017 | | 0 comments | Continued
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A Few Thoughts On Tiger Woods Recent DUI

From a friend: A few thoughts on Tiger Woods. Regardless of whether you like him or not and for whatever reason you like him or not, I think the police dodged a bullet on this one. We’ve all seen the videos, some of you may see a drunk, some may see a drug addict, some […]

4Jun2017 | | 1 comment | Continued
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A Facebook discussion on Drug Addiction

Ron Taylor shared Jordan Rice‘s post. May 5 at 11:09pm · Jordan Rice April 23 at 12:21pm · Thank you. Edit: I didn’t explain why I agree with this or any experiences I have which left people opinion to make a bunch of dumb ass opinions about my logic. I don’t have the time to […]

8May2017 | | 0 comments | Continued
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A facebook Discussion On Single Payer Insurance

Robert Stuber Yesterday at 9:24am · AN EXPANDED MEDICARE 1. Of course, start with Medicare for all 2. Cover medicines, thus eliminating Part D expense to Americans 3. Give Medicare the power to negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical companies 4. Expand Medicare so that there would be no need for expensive tie- in supplemental private […]

21Apr2017 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Single Payer – What Is It and How Is It Better Than What We Have?

The health care debate rages on.  Our system has been flawed from the beginning.  Powerful Unions negotiated with employers to provide health insurance.  Good for the Unions and unionized workers, not good for everybody.  Insurance companies liked the deal because they could negotiate big lucrative packages.  Actuaries ruled the day.  It is actually simple math […]

10Mar2017 | | 1 comment | Continued
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The Pain of Awareness

Awareness is generally thought to be a good thing.  Certainly we advocate being aware of one’s personal budget, of politics, of education, of science (Climate Change), of job opportunities, of our health, and even an awareness of our ignorance on various topics.  I think it is useful to be aware of proper use of the […]

24Feb2017 | | 6 comments | Continued
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Electronic Medical Record – Great Idea, Problematic With Lazy Docs

Get out the cheese and crackers because I am getting ready to whine.  It was long, long ago, about 2005, that my primary care physician was an accomplished in Internal Medicine.  I had switched to his practice when I was fifty years old, reasoning that as I aged I would need someone with a more […]

16Jan2017 | | 1 comment | Continued
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Early View of President Obama’s Legacy

In a couple of weeks, we the people of the United States of America shall elect someone to follow President Barack Obama as president of the United States.  This election is as important as 2008 when he was first elected and in 2012 when he was affirmed by the people with reelection.  President Obama is […]

19Oct2016 | | Comments Off on Early View of President Obama’s Legacy | Continued
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“…an organized, nationwide system of care…”

Civilized industrial nations have searched for many years for an appropriate response to public health.  Individual health care financing in the United States was somehow attached to one’s job as a part of the benefit package.  A good job came with good health insurance.  By 2008 there were fifty (50) million individuals without health insurance. […]

18Apr2016 | | 3 comments | Continued
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Another Senseless Death from Drug Addiction

Another young man from St. Joseph died this past weekend – apparently from long term drug addiction.  I knew him.  I knew him when he was about seven years old.  I also knew his family.  He was second generation drug addict.  Not his parents, as far as I know, but many of his aunts and […]

2Mar2016 | | 1 comment | Continued
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Life After Tuberculosis

As suggested by a good friend and cousin of mine, I will try to shine a light on a personal experience regarding Tuberculosis, the “Curse of King Tut”. The year was 1965 early Autumn. My mother’s estranged husband was taken to Mount Vernon, MO. This was at the time a ‘sanitarium’ for individuals with ‘lung […]

31Oct2015 | | 3 comments | Continued
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Tuberculosis and Political Correctness

My father was born in 1923.  His would be considered an upbringing in poverty.  With many children in the home, the depression, and some abuse of alcohol by his father – life was difficult.  Difficult lives are almost always made more difficult by prejudice.  In a strange twist of irony, political correctness in the early […]

22Oct2015 | | Comments Off on Tuberculosis and Political Correctness | Continued
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Walking the Roof of Methodist Hospital – Circa 1972

It was literally ‘the good old days’.  Data Processing.  No MIS or IT or IS.  We processed data – and the data came in the form of punched cards.  Everything was ‘batch’ processing – almost no ‘real time’ interaction.  But that is an aside for the purposes of this post.  This story is about walking […]

17Oct2015 | | 3 comments | Continued
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Mr. Mullinax

I was once a young man, in a land far away. Well, about two miles from where I sit today.  Methodist Hospital hired me as a Computer Operator three weeks before my first child was born.  Actually, Larry Koch hired me – he was the Computer Operations Manager.  His boss was John Mullinax.  John was […]

13Oct2015 | | 1 comment | Continued
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Stop Fighting

Most of us do not know how to fight.  Sadly, most of us think we do know.  We are proud of our wit, our sarcasm, our humor at the expense of others.  If not, then we act as if we are in control – proudly and falsely saying that we would not ‘stoop to that […]

9Oct2015 | | Comments Off on Stop Fighting | Continued
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Just One More Alcoholic Story

Note from Ohg Tone – I am just passing this story along.  I changed the names to protect all. By-line: Tommy C. Last January we started a new Al-Ann group at our Alano Club in St. Joseph, Missouri.  We have just finished restoring the room. About a month ago, while working on that room, […]

26Aug2014 | | Comments Off on Just One More Alcoholic Story | Continued
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Municipal Smoking Bans – Solid Redneck Reasoning

Some scoundrels in St. Joe, Missouri, are trying again to ban smoking at the places where they go for their Sunday morning brunch.  The opposition swigs their beer and pops peanuts between puffs on their favorite means of getting their regular nicotine hit.  Some prefer cigarettes, some a cigar, personally – I favor a pipe.  […]

1Apr2014 | | 2 comments | Continued
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Constitutional Conservative is an Oxymoron

Our Founding Fathers were some of the most liberal people on the planet – then and now.  Consider the questions they had to ask, and their answers in the form of our Constitution.  Remember – they were forming a completely new government. Where shall power reside?  Three branches of government with checks and balances – […]

20Mar2014 | | Comments Off on Constitutional Conservative is an Oxymoron | Continued
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26Jan2014 | | Comments Off on Medicaid Petition | Continued
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The Somber Occasion of An Abortion

My friend, Jubila, and I were having our daily debate about how smart we are as compared to the people with whom we disagree.  Generally speaking my friend and I are thought of as liberals so it should not surprise anyone that we think highly of ourselves.  Oh if life were so easy.  It is […]

16Aug2013 | | Comments Off on The Somber Occasion of An Abortion | Continued
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Emerging Ideas on Medical Marijuana – Rethinking the Bias

This writer has changed horses. I have been in the stable for awhile – uncertain of the future direction. The recent documentary by Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN provided a compass with true north as the central bearing. Marijuana is probably not as devastating as we once thought. Note the qualified ‘probably not as devastating’. […]

12Aug2013 | | Comments Off on Emerging Ideas on Medical Marijuana – Rethinking the Bias | Continued
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Alcohol is Not a Truth Serum

My volunteer work takes me to the front lines of the war on addiction.  Yesterday I was quietly minding my own business, in a place known for alcoholism traffic, when a staggering drunk passed by.  Ron was a happy drunk.  He laughed when he told the obvious, “I’m pretty drunk”.  Personally, I don’t believe anyone […]

26Jul2013 | | Comments Off on Alcohol is Not a Truth Serum | Continued
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Smoking Alcohol – No Calories and No Brains

Drugs and alcohol – the elixirs of a giddy walk down the path of doom and despair – have many different modes of ingestion.  Until about five hundred years ago alcohol and drugs caused few problems for mankind.  It was about that time that some Chinese bricklayer working on a really big wall discovered that […]

7Jun2013 | | Comments Off on Smoking Alcohol – No Calories and No Brains | Continued
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Suicide – The Burden of the Village

Most of us have some experience with suicide – someone we know has taken their own life.  Such a death is difficult in every possible manner.  Families cry together.  Distraught disbelief overwhelms us.  Our emotional system is shocked to the core.  We feel personally defeated.  We often feel we have failed, failed our loved one […]

25May2013 | | 3 comments | Continued
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The Allegory of the Forest – Carl Jung’s Collective

There are no more trees.  No more forested wildlife.  Humans no longer have terms for forest or wildlife.  The Earth was deforested many years ago.  Some older adults remember playing in the woods.  No pictures, photographs, exist.  There are many drawings by children.  Some drawings are done in pencil, others in water colors – some […]

28Feb2013 | | Comments Off on The Allegory of the Forest – Carl Jung’s Collective | Continued
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Jung and Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Carl Jung was a genius on the level of Albert Einstein.  Jung might say that he and Einstein were able to tap their unconscious and the collective unconscious for what appear to be ideas of the human imagination.  Jung’s work now defines an entire branch of modern psychology – in his lifetime he captured the […]

18Feb2013 | | Comments Off on Jung and Alcoholism and Drug Addiction | Continued
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Creepy Ad by

My first take on this ad was that it was produced by some anti-abortion provocateur to discredit the celebration of 40 years since Roe V. Wade. This smooth talking black guy is offering a rose and a glass of wine as a toast to the judicial victory. I interpreted an image of Obama – clearly […]

24Jan2013 | | Comments Off on Creepy Ad by | Continued
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Why Obamacare Isn’t Enough

We have been entangled in a running debate in our society about health care, the related skyrocketing costs, and how we are going to pay for them.  In spite of the political backlash initially endured by the White House Administration, the Affordable Care Act, where the rubber meets the road and where the pocket book […]

31Dec2012 | | Comments Off on Why Obamacare Isn’t Enough | Continued
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Old Men Walking, And Falling Down

I am a senior.  That is the life designation we get when we are between middle age and elderly.  My health is generally good.  I walk about three miles every day and as a result I take no medications for any heart or respiratory conditions.  But walking of late has become a treacherous proposition.  I […]

23Oct2012 | | Comments Off on Old Men Walking, And Falling Down | Continued
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Schizophrenia – A Family Affair

I am convinced that mental illness permeates my family.  There are no diagnosis – no testimonials of counselors or case workers.  There is fear.  Fear of venturing to ask any questions.  Fear of unknown possibilities.  Fear of helpless damnation. Families keep secrets because families are ashamed.  And that, my friends, is the problem. Ignorance abounds.  […]

13Dec2011 | | Comments Off on Schizophrenia – A Family Affair | Continued
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Cisco – A Tale of Addiction, Justice, and Redemption

People are dying.  Our Prisons are full. Families are being destroyed.  Government sponsored religion in the Criminal Justice System is not working. Federal, State, and Local funds are rewarding bad behavior.  We are talking about the Criminal Justice System sanctioned treatment programs for alcohol and drug addiction – substance abuse treatment. Cisco, A Tale of […]

1Dec2011 | | 3 comments | Continued
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Dear Oprah – You Are Mistaken About Addiction

I wrote an email to Oprah.  Her address is  Some of the attachments from the email are included as Adobe pdf images following the text in this post.  The Cisco Synopsis follows. Dear Oprah, Your daily talk show has inspired many, including myself.  But I am troubled at something you said.  While interviewing Ralph […]

14Jun2011 | | Comments Off on Dear Oprah – You Are Mistaken About Addiction | Continued
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AA and Addiction Treatment Have Failed Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen is in the news – again – and his choice of words directly reflects the misguided efforts of contemporary addition treatment.  These efforts do not address psychological health – but rather demand conformity to some loosely defined notion of ‘proper society’ or of  ‘Christian values’ or of something called ‘spiritual health’.  This addiction […]

2Mar2011 | | 2 comments | Continued
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Investing Our Self In A Cause

When we completely invest ourselves in any cause we risk our sanity.  From religion to politics to civil rights to social justice – to being employed in a noble profession – any cause can be consuming.  Problems come when we identify ourselves in the context of the cause.  We risk losing touch with social norms.  […]

14Jan2011 | | Comments Off on Investing Our Self In A Cause | Continued
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Redneck Medicine

I live in rural northwest Missouri.  My mother’s family came here by horse-drawn covered wagon in the beginning of the 20th Century.  My father’s family came here from Pennsylvania about the same time.  Wherever you go – there you are.  The two families mixed with the locals – and with some folks from the Missouri […]

27Aug2010 | | 2 comments | Continued
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Lessons On Exercise For Seniors – And The Need For Stretching

I am a senior.  That is somewhere between middle age and elderly.  Everyone wants to live a long time but no one wants to be old, as the saying goes.  I am just another person trying to delay feeble living.  I have learned a few hard lessons along the path to regular exercise. I wrote […]

26Aug2010 | | Comments Off on Lessons On Exercise For Seniors – And The Need For Stretching | Continued
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Taxing Sugar, And Other Taxing Behaviors

Hey fat boy, I’m not talking to you.  But alas, he will not stop looking at me in the mirror.  I said, “Hey fat boy, they are going to tax your Coca Cola.”  He smiled, “So what, they already tax the Jack Daniels in the Coke and the tobacco in my pipe.  My wife said […]

13Jul2010 | | Comments Off on Taxing Sugar, And Other Taxing Behaviors | Continued