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Letters From Home

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Parenting – locker rooms and restrooms

Son, Public restrooms are again in the headlines – they are seldom in the headlines to reveal their innate cleanliness. The whole Senator Larry Craig-in-public caused me to reflect back on raising-children-in-public. As you know I have always been a big YMCA supporter. You and your sisters learned basketball, soccer, gymnastics, and swimming at the […]

8Oct2007 | | 3 comments | Continued
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Blackwater – responsible killers!

Son, There is some sort of bizarre debate happening in the mainstream media. Blackwater is a security company that has contracts to guard United States government employees in Iraq. The debate is around the notion that shooting people is sometimes less responsible than at other times. Civilization has often debated the nuances of ‘justifiable homicide.’ […]

2Oct2007 | | Comments Off on Blackwater – responsible killers! | Continued
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Show Me State Jeep Club

Son, I went for my daily walk today. It is a beautiful fall day here in Northwest Missouri. I walk four blocks to the extensive hiking/biking trail that runs through our picturesque parkway system, then I walk three miles along the trail. I turned onto the trail at one of our local parks. The park […]

30Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Show Me State Jeep Club | Continued
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Living Without Debt

Dad, My wife and I are making an effort to be out of debt and to stay that way. We have made a commitment to not borrow money for anything. For any reason. The first thing that people shout when they hear that is, “What about a house? You have to borrow money if you […]

29Sep2007 | | 3 comments | Continued
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Sarcasm – a toxic elixir

Son, I can be thoughtful – and I can be sarcastic. The sarcasm is a strategy learned many years ago while growing up. It is an old recipe, handed down through generations in my family. I have used it well to win fights – and I have lost many wars. You have heard me say […]

28Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Sarcasm – a toxic elixir | Continued
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Father and Son chatter

Son, I copied our chat from last evening. The purpose of this post is it let our readers better understand us. Readers: This blog really is a conversation between a father and a son. Sometimes we chat in the evenings – included in this blog is our chat from last evening. Enjoy 7:13 PM me: […]

28Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Father and Son chatter | Continued
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Michael Moore – Sicko on Oprah

Son, Love him or hate him, Michael Moore has struck a nerve in America. He is on Oprah as I write. I am trying to capture the essence of what they are saying. Oprah has people in the audience from previous health care encounters with Presidential Candidates. There are some disturbing and very emotional stories […]

27Sep2007 | | 2 comments | Continued
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Responding to Christians

Son, Lay off the Betty Bowers web site – your judgment is beginning to drift. Just kidding. I am extremely pleased with you. I am pleased with your ability with the written word and with your willingness to tackle tough issues. I fear that your interpretation of my post was based more on how you […]

27Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Responding to Christians | Continued
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Bill O’Reilly – friend to Blacks

Son, I am watching Al Sharpton on MSNBC. Talk about conflicted! A couple of days ago Bill O’Reilly, the Fox News Pit Bull bred and trained for news media dog fights, said after visiting a Harlem restaurant, “I mean, it was exactly the same, even though it’s run by blacks, primarily black patronship,” Al Sharpton […]

27Sep2007 | | 2 comments | Continued
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Halo 3 and good neighbors…

Dad, I live in a duplex, upper and lower, and my downstairs neighbor is a video gamer. Some people play their music loud, he plays his x-box. Sometimes he will have a success and blow something up and my daughter will run to the window to see the storm, thinking that she is hearing thunder. […]

27Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Halo 3 and good neighbors… | Continued
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Betty Bowers: oh, so clever…

Dad, I sent you that link about Harry Potter. I didn’t really read it because I have heard enough of all that, but I knew you were reading one of the books. You are right, though, it is funny. Actually, its very funny, and it is powerfully real. Betty Bowers is one of my new […]

25Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Betty Bowers: oh, so clever… | Continued
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Cursed by Clever Harry Potter Humor

Son, Someone got to us. That web site previously referred to as some wacko fundamentalist is actually a spoof on on wacko Christianity – it is very well done! Here it is again! I love a good joke – even if it is on me. Now why would I be so ready to believe all […]

25Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Cursed by Clever Harry Potter Humor | Continued
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Michael Vick and anger

Son, I really comes down to this: What is the basic principle on which you place value in another human? My answer – the simple fact that he or she is human – no more is necessary. Is the value less stringent for other creatures on this earth? The sadness I feel over the Michael […]

25Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Michael Vick and anger | Continued
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michael vick: de-humanizing a public figure…

Dad – “I am confident that the hottest places in hell are reserved for the souls of sick and brutal people who hold God’s creatures in such cruel and brutal contempt.” – West Virginia Sen. Robert Byrd, on those who participate in dog fighting and raise dogs for dog fighting I fear that the world […]

25Sep2007 | | Comments Off on michael vick: de-humanizing a public figure… | Continued
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Family systems

Son, Our family system is one of intelligent people. We don’t always act like it – but most of us have the intellect expected of 21st Century educated Americans. Every now and then you will hear a nugget of wisdom from someone close to us. So why is it not consistent, and why is there […]

24Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Family systems | Continued
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politicians and politicking

Son, I did an experiment with two political campaigns. I copied two of our ‘posts’ and then went to two different Presidential Campaign web sites. I ‘pasted’ the copied material into the comments section of the two sites and sent it off. I used Hillary Clinton and John Edwards as my test subjects. I should […]

24Sep2007 | | Comments Off on politicians and politicking | Continued
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Iran and War/Diplomacy

Son, Are we on the path to war with Iran? Even the French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner is saying, “We have to prepare for the worst, and the worst is war.” Robert Gates, the United States Defense Secretary, said, “…all options are on the table.” I hope that means the option of diplomacy. So what […]

24Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Iran and War/Diplomacy | Continued
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Publishing A Novel

Son, I have written a novel. Now – how do I get it published? I finished the novel last February. I wrote a goofy synopsis and sent it to about fifty agents. Most of the agents curtly responded, ‘Uh…No thanks.” Some of them wanted to see more samples of the story. I have received several […]

23Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Publishing A Novel | Continued
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Blog Statistics from the Eastern Shore

Son, We have had this blog for a month. We have 109 posts, 48 comments, and 1,130 views. I think that means that your wife checked on us 334 times, my brother in Virginia checked 297 times, and that one friend that you have checked 288 times. As near as I can tell from the […]

22Sep2007 | | 4 comments | Continued
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Parenting – missing the point

Son, I am embarrassed again. I read some of the comments to your post on being a house husband. They got it – I ran around it. The comments you received were considerate of your sense of self – my response was an academic discussion on semantics. Why is it so difficult to just simply […]

21Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Parenting – missing the point | Continued
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Giuliani – terrorists and mobsters!

Son, Rudy Giuliani has the best track record of fighting terrorists. He has been fighting terrorists for 25 years. And he is pretty good at it. He is good at putting them out of business and into jail. Not one other candidate has his credentials. Ok – so what is a terrorist? I have to […]

21Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Giuliani – terrorists and mobsters! | Continued
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Art of Congress – Negotiating

Son, If I negotiated with a car dealer like the U.S. Congress negotiates within their chambers I would still be driving a 1992 Chevy Pickup. One-upping the next guy is more important than moving forward. This is not liberal or conservative – this is fear of being labeled as ‘not being faithful to their base‘ […]

20Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Art of Congress – Negotiating | Continued
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Conservatives have their say

Son,   Someone responded to your concern about where the liberals have gone – They commented with a definition of conservatism. Here it is: ” American Heritage Dictionary – Cite This Source con·ser·va·tism (k?n-sûr’v?-t?z’?m) Pronunciation Key n. 1. The inclination, especially in politics, to maintain the existing or traditional order. 2. A political philosophy or […]

19Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Conservatives have their say | Continued
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Bush tax cuts

Son, Something is wrong with the U.S. Economy. George W. Bush and his Republican cronies lowered taxes a few years past to provide stimulation – if that is sound logic, what happened? A couple of things. Economics is not really rocket science – think income and expense. Bush and the Republicans lowered the income and […]

19Sep2007 | | 1 comment | Continued
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Federal Reserve interest rate cuts

Son, I was worried about the economy. Now I am really worried. The Federal Reserve takes their responsibility very seriously. Their willingness, even eagerness, to cut an important interest rate tells me that I was not worried enough. I am relieved that someone who can actually do something is taking action. Sometimes us regular folks […]

19Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Federal Reserve interest rate cuts | Continued
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Baking: Culinary Artist vs. Kitchen Technician

Dad I am interested in baking my own bread. I know that this is something that you have some experience with. I believe that there are two kinds of cooks – the ‘culinary artist’ and the ‘kitchen techinician.’ I tend to be the culinary artist, and that style of cooking is more about developing a […]

19Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Baking: Culinary Artist vs. Kitchen Technician | Continued
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‘Bitch’ dignity in cultural context

Son, MSNBC is focusing today on Isiah Thomas in the NBA referring to a woman as a ‘bitch.‘ In an interview he said that calling a woman ‘bitch’ is wrong – but more wrong if a white man says it- even more wrong if a white man is referring to a black woman. Is he […]

18Sep2007 | | Comments Off on ‘Bitch’ dignity in cultural context | Continued
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Babies Vs. Politicians: Who is Smarter?

Son, A national magazine recently had an article titled ‘Babies Vs. Chimps.” It felt like I was reading an article on ‘Babies Vs. American Politicians.” The study examined theories of general-intelligence versus cultural-intelligence. The different study groups “performed about equally well on ‘physical learning’ – locating hidden objects…understanding concepts of more and less, using a […]

17Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Babies Vs. Politicians: Who is Smarter? | Continued
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Send O.J. to Iraq

Son, Back in the late 1960’s the Hell’s Angels really were. The Vietnam war was spiraling into the quagmire of disillusionment. Billy Jack became a cult classic fighting errant motorcycle gangs. I remember the Missouri redneck wisdom in the Hoopty Doo Bar and Grill – “We ought to take those Hell’s Angels and send them […]

17Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Send O.J. to Iraq | Continued
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Angry Grandfathers Do Not Pray!

Son, I’m with you.  A continued, recurring illness in your little four year old girl is terribly frustrating.  One of my favorite optimistic sayings is, “We should be grateful that we live in an era of modern medicine.”   But what do we do when the health care system comes up short? I don’t have […]

16Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Angry Grandfathers Do Not Pray! | Continued
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Praying for Help

Dad, It is Sunday morning and your granddaughter has a fever again. She finished her antibiotics two days a go, and this is becoming a frustratingly familiar story.  People have been suggesting alternative medicines, our neighbor is a chiropractor, my mother-in-law is concerned about all of the antibiotics that my daughter is taking. At first, […]

16Sep2007 | | 1 comment | Continued
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Hot Dogs and Grandchildren

Son, Your nephew is staying with me today. The boy, he was 9 last month, and I mowed the lawn and played catch with a football. I’ve been looking at those patio fire places – I can’t bring myself to spend the money. Then I had one of those ideas that strike me occasionally. I […]

15Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Hot Dogs and Grandchildren | Continued
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Hope, Cynicism, Reality, Politics

Son, Hope. What is it? It is perception. Obama, Clinton, a Republican? Many of us have similar hopes and dreams. A country of economic prosperity, religious freedom, a safe family with easy access to health care, freedom from war and despair – is this dream any different for Democrats or Republicans, liberals or conservatives? You […]

15Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Hope, Cynicism, Reality, Politics | Continued
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Your Grandfather is dying

Son, Your grandfather, at age 84, is in the hospital. The news gets worse daily. Sixteen years ago he had prostate cancer. The prostate was surgically removed and a little radiation seemed to solve the problem. His left arm began swelling, without explanation, a few months ago. The medical folks did cat scans on his […]

14Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Your Grandfather is dying | Continued
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No Child Left Behind

Son, The local news paper reported today that federal funds must be taken from the most impoverished schools. The money will instead be used for staff training. The shift is a consequence of special education students failing to meet the standards set by the No Child Left Behind legislation. Mixed feelings abound – probably because […]

14Sep2007 | | Comments Off on No Child Left Behind | Continued
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Jim Wallis at the University of Iowa

Dad, My wife and I are attending a lecture by Jim Wallis, editor of Sojourners magazine and author of the blog God’s Politics. He is having a discussion forum at the University of Iowa.  I am pretty excited to hear him speak, having read much of his stuff from Sojourners and read parts of his […]

13Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Jim Wallis at the University of Iowa | Continued
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McCain/Lieberman? Hmmm…

Dad, It is unfortunate for John McCain that he will not win a republican primary. His party will not put him on the ballot because he does not cater to their ideology. He should give it up and run as an independent on a ticket with Joe Lieberman. Now that would be something to see. […]

13Sep2007 | | Comments Off on McCain/Lieberman? Hmmm… | Continued
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I Like John McCain

Son, I like John McCain – I will probably not vote for him – but I like him. He is a real, legitimate, straight shooter. I agree with most of his principles (I qualify ‘most’ because I do not know all of his principles.) He comes from a family of honorable military tradition and he […]

13Sep2007 | | Comments Off on I Like John McCain | Continued
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Bush or Bin Laden – All or nothing

Son, The problem with partisan politics is the ‘all or nothing’ mentality. Even the all or nothing mentality gets distorted – for instance, can we oppose George Bush and Osama Bin Laden at the same time? Are we either for George Bush or for Bin Laden – are they opposites? They are not opposites – […]

13Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Bush or Bin Laden – All or nothing | Continued
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Let Us Have Peace, Shall We?

Dad, Our ship’s boatswain used to tell us, “look for problems, you’ll find them. Look for solutions, you’ll not find problems.” I think this can be applied to our current political climate. I don’t like the administration, but I don’t want to hear about it anymore. I want us all to get to work on […]

13Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Let Us Have Peace, Shall We? | Continued
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Patraeus, Chris Matthews, and Bin Laden

Son, General David Patraeus is a noble man. A man of honor, courage, and integrity. He is in a tight spot. Even Senators who know better are asking him to opine on issues that are not his to decide. The General was asked if the War in Iraq was making the United States ‘safer.’ The […]

13Sep2007 | | 2 comments | Continued
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forgive, yes…but forget?

Dad, Forgiveness can be mastered, but we are not able to erase history. My wife and I have talked at length about forgiveness and how to go about getting better at it. What we have discovered is that our skill at forgiving gets sharpened, but our ability to forget is dull at best. I am […]

12Sep2007 | | Comments Off on forgive, yes…but forget? | Continued
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Forgiving self

Son, I have been writing about humility and learning from mistakes – that sort of thing. It brings me to think about forgiveness. It feels to me that at least two of my three children forgive me for being me – One still has a burr under their saddle. That is OK with me. The […]

12Sep2007 | | 1 comment | Continued
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Humility in parenting

Son, Some wacko California Hippie commented on my parenting post, I will address them: – I can make mistakes as a parent if I want to. I don’t know who you are but you are almost correct. Well, you are correct – but be careful. I know several people my age who beat their children […]

12Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Humility in parenting | Continued
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Denial – Outdated Mythology

Son, There is a huge mistake by Addiction Treatment Professionals, law enforcement, and the courts in addressing the problem of alcohol and drug addiction. The dominant philosophy the past thirty years has been that the central problem is one of denial. That is to say, the belief that alcoholics and addicts have abnormally robust denial […]

12Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Denial – Outdated Mythology | Continued
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Shifting Paradigms – Obama is On Track!

Son, What is the driving mission, vision, philosophy, whatever, of the United States of America? We look to our Constitution for the how-to’s; we look to our leaders for the why-for’s. The national media continues to look to our candidates for office for specific logistical solutions to problems. They continue to look at how-to’s. I […]

12Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Shifting Paradigms – Obama is On Track! | Continued
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A letter from Barack Obama…

Dad, I just got this letter from the Obama campaign. I want to share it because it represents why I will vote for him. I believe him. Bryan. ______ Dear Bryan, Six years ago, on a bright and beautiful Tuesday morning, a new kind of enemy came to America’s shores. We will never forget the […]

11Sep2007 | | 2 comments | Continued
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Addictions – Losing Control

Son, Dante wrote The Inferno. I am not sure about this – anyone can correct me if they wish, but I think Dante described the greatest sin as giving up control of your life to something external – gluttony, sloth, envy, greed, power, or addiction. The punishment for violating the greatest sin was total loss […]

11Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Addictions – Losing Control | Continued
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Same turkey, different flavors

Son, As you are well aware, I like to bake a turkey. Not so much the turkey – but the turkey dinner experience. When I bake a whole turkey I like to prepare my favorite oyster dressing ( my own recipe.) While the turkey cooks I like to make my own bread (I have developed […]

11Sep2007 | | Comments Off on Same turkey, different flavors | Continued
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responsible turkeys?

Dad, I am baking a turkey for dinner. Its a lot of work. Do you think that. accounting for the amount of work and the weight of the bones and stuff, that it is a better deal to buy a turkey at a dollar a pound than to buy, say, boneless skinless meats that are […]

11Sep2007 | | Comments Off on responsible turkeys? | Continued