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Hunting For Jesse James Gold

When I was a child my parents would often take our family on picnics at Houston Wyeth Park in St. Joseph, Missouri – we just called the place Wyeth Hill.  Wyeth Hill runs along the top of the Missouri River Bluffs in northwest St. Joseph.  The hill overlooks downtown St. Joe to the south, the […]

25Aug2010 | | 14 comments | Continued
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What Would Peter Think of Wendy At Victoria’s Secret?

One of my favorite stories is the tale of Peter Pan.  As an actor, I have always wanted to play Peter, but I grew too tall.  I loved the way Peter was committed to remaining young, not following the establishment and becoming a man.  His conviction of youth impacted his relationships with everyone, especially Wendy. […]

7May2010 | | 1 comment | Continued
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Reflecting On The Music Of My Mother

I was fumbling around on youtube this morning and found this Patsy Cline rendition of Tennessee Waltz.    My mother introduced me to this song.  She was not trying to – this was one of the songs she sang while wringing out the laundry in her wringer wash machine.   Hearing Patsy Cline sing this old song […]

1Apr2010 | | Comments Off on Reflecting On The Music Of My Mother | Continued
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Children of War – The 20th Century Bleeds into the 21st.

The sins punished for generations are War, Poverty, Hunger, Ignorance, Physical Illness, and a general disregard of others by society. These sins compound daily – the accruing interest to be paid by succeeding generations.

12Mar2010 | | Comments Off on Children of War – The 20th Century Bleeds into the 21st. | Continued
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Tiger Woods Statement (Video)

Tiger has spoken – now the analysis begins. What did he say? What did he mean? Is he in denial? Is Tiger covering something? Has Tiger been completely honest? We have our own thoughts on these matters – but we will wait for an opportunity to speak responsibly on the subject of Tiger Woods, Tiger’s […]

19Feb2010 | | Comments Off on Tiger Woods Statement (Video) | Continued
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Middle School, Learning to Say NO!

The adventures of grandpa as the driver for my thirteen year old granddaughter continue.  Her family moved to Texas or Wyoming, I can never remember which, and she is staying with her Nana to finish out the school year.  She was not ready to punch cows, and lasso boys.  Anyway, my job is of after-school-driver.  […]

9Mar2009 | | Comments Off on Middle School, Learning to Say NO! | Continued
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The Two Nap Dilemma

My children are in different stages of development. That makes life hard when you are trying to be appropriate with them and maintain your own sanity. My son doesn’t really need two naps during the day. He has been sleeping for about an hour in the morning and for a little over two hours in […]

6Dec2008 | | Comments Off on The Two Nap Dilemma | Continued
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Bubble Wrapped Kids

Halloween has got some of us all reflecting on our childhoods when we would gather with our friends and run around the neighborhood in our plastic masks. Or like the times my friends and I would play baseball using the four street corners as bases. Today people would hardly let their kids walk to a […]

31Oct2008 | | Comments Off on Bubble Wrapped Kids | Continued
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Police Pursuit – Losing Humanity

Son, This has been a sad week for me. As you know I have worked in the social service industry, after retiring from a career in information systems and finance. It is one of those thing us ‘baby-boomers’ do – giving back something that was given to us. The social service field is really tough. […]

27Oct2007 | | Comments Off on Police Pursuit – Losing Humanity | Continued
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Housewives; House…Husbands?

My wife was reading a book a while back and there were some interesting points about language and the way that we relate to our family. I only read the parts that she showed me, so i don’t have an entire picture of the subject material, but a couple of things stuck with me. One was that we have moved into a culture of “stay-at-home moms” and even “stay-at-home dads,” and we have vilified the idea of a “housewife” as being derogatory.

21Sep2007 | | 4 comments | Continued