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Feelings! Legitimate Or Not
In cognitive behavioral treatment we learn to think, then feel, then act. Some folks get into trouble when they feel, act, then think. My personal notion is that we always think first; the question is why do we think such negative thoughts that result in hurt feelings and thus bad behavior? I did four years […]
15Dec2017 | Thomas Franklin | 2 comments | ContinuedHow Cold is the Family Fold?
I come from a large family. Six women and two men make up the living siblings that all came from the same maternal loins. I am the oldest of this clan. My mother traditionally made me her helpmate in all things. I mean ALL things. For her I was the live in Nanny who brushed […]
13Dec2017 | Nancy Belle | 4 comments | ContinuedLife Lessons, Set In Concrete
The ‘twoness’ of humanity is all around us. The good and the bad, the yin and the yang, the frailty of human character. My father, as I have said before, was both a great man and a monstrous brute. I do not know if his greatness won the final battle – but I suspect it […]
13Dec2017 | Thomas Franklin | 1 comment | ContinuedPoverty And No Birth Control
I have written about the ‘twoness’ of parenthood. The paradox of love versus stress. My parents were not different than other parents. They loved us even when they were unable to express the love overtly. When my father came home from the War in Europe he reunited with my mother, they were promptly married, and […]
9Dec2017 | Thomas Franklin | 1 comment | ContinuedTwoness, The Paradox of Parenthood
I am a young Senior citizen. As such one might deduce that my parents were part of “the greatest generation”. That would be correct. My parents grew up during the depression. My father fought in World War Two. Have I mentioned that there were seven children in my family? My mother stayed home to raise […]
7Dec2017 | Thomas Franklin | 0 comments | ContinuedNo Yellow Ribbons Here
What are some words used to describe me? Intense, forceful, resolute, aggressive, difficult, stubborn, unyielding, Aries – You get the idea – My history is one of confrontation and unforgiving in-your-face anger. There are regular videos on facebook of soldiers returning home unannounced to reunite with their families. The families choke up and well with […]
5Dec2017 | Thomas Franklin | 3 comments | ContinuedThomas Franklin, New Fireside Contributor
Thomas Franklin and I became friends in 2006. He was an inpatient at a Substance Abuse Treatment Center where I served as a counselor. That program was a 21 day residential care. There was a stipend program at the Center. This allowed up to two clients to remain residents, receive free food, and free intensive […]
2Dec2017 | Gary Clark | 2 comments | ContinuedBaseball Rebellion
I did not play baseball as a child. I hardly knew such a thing existed. One Spring day, long ago, I was wandering the St. Joseph, Missouri, streets with my brothers. As we passed the Noyes Baseball Field I noticed several of my school mates dressed in uniform and playing baseball on the well manicured […]
26Nov2017 | Thomas Franklin | 3 comments | ContinuedPostcards From the RNC, Robo Calls That Is!
I keep getting robo calls from the RNC…. They desperately need $75 from me to fight the biased media and drain the swamp. What?? That is roughly 1/12th of my total monthly income. I have no problem telling them I am living on Social Security and not much of that, but I’m talking to deaf […]
21Nov2017 | Nancy Belle | 0 comments | ContinuedEquality Is Not Tangible
I am all for equality between the sexes. Always have been, I guess. As a Baby Boomer, I have seen a whole lot of it not being that way. Equality is easily defined on paper and somehow in life it gets spread out, the lines get blurred and more difficult to find the easy divisions […]
16Nov2017 | Nancy Belle | 0 comments | ContinuedWho Pulled Your Chain
Pardon my OCD a moment please. Sometimes I get intrigued (my chain gets pulled) by words and/or phrases I hear or read. The phrase in question “Shut your mouth your mind is hanging out” was spoken by one cowboy to another in a movie my husband was watching yesterday evening and I, by consequence, was […]
25Oct2017 | Nancy Belle | 0 comments | ContinuedIn Defense of the St. Joseph, Missouri, School Tax Levy 2017
Larry Koch is a member of the St. Joseph, Missouri, School District Board of Directors. There is a levy on the ballot and the following was a facebook post by Mr. Koch. I thought it was well thought out and well written. There are two issues: 1) Does the school district need more money? and […]
22Oct2017 | Gary Clark | 0 comments | ContinuedWhen The Emotionally Unbalanced Vote, They Always Vote For The Extreme
Lookout Friday! Here they come! The emotionally unbalanced have found their candidate. Donald Trump is someone who should never have happened in America – but he has – and it is because one political party began catering to the emotionally unbalanced about forty years ago, and the fall of economic prosperity by American citizens fed […]
20Oct2017 | Gary Clark | 2 comments | ContinuedStand For Defense of Constitution
From a post by Nancy: Well… Can’t speak for all Americans, but sometimes I get peeved and as an American that loves my freedoms and ability to choose my actions and beliefs… Demanding and legislating that everyone must stand for the Anthem is the WRONG way to go. Should proud citizens of the USA show […]
20Oct2017 | Gary Clark | 1 comment | ContinuedCuriosity is Not Alone in Killing the Cat
A curiosity moment led me to wonder, “Just what are the most probable causes of the Apocalypse and if any, the percentages of certainty?” I found many articles and many opinions on the subject and very little speculation or mathematics on how to rate each catastrophe with a percentage of ‘Most Likely’ to happen. What […]
12Oct2017 | Nancy Belle | 1 comment | ContinuedNFL, NASCAR and America
So the Divisionaries continue to divide… It’s true that NASCAR has only had 4 black drivers in its history, notably one being a black woman. Yet, the popularity of the sport fades in the light of Football. Where 64% of Americans claim to be fans. Break that down to 73% of men and 55% of […]
26Sep2017 | Nancy Belle | 7 comments | ContinuedIs There Such a Thing as a Drug Free Life?
I wrote this post on social media a few days ago… mostly to vent my frustrations and anguish…. It has been taken as low blow, a blindside, a side swipe and a less than honorable way to disparage someone personally…. It was suggested that I say it to someone’s face, rather than on Facebook of […]
23Sep2017 | Nancy Belle | 3 comments | ContinuedKansas City City Market, Beignet, and Moody Football Fans
We invested a day at the Kansas City City Market. Today, in fact. A Sunday and the Chiefs are playing – but we have a DVR and are recording the game. We are at the market to meet family and are hoping that we do not inadvertently hear the score of the game. We did […]
17Sep2017 | Gary Clark | 0 comments | ContinuedIt’s a Cat’s Life
I have a barn/porch cat, her name is Skeeter aka Trouble, who would dearly love to be an indoor/outdoor cat. Especially on cold days, 60 degrees appears to be her cue to want in. She is in this predicament, because after being in the house for several months, or a year, I forget, she became […]
10Sep2017 | Nancy Belle | 1 comment | ContinuedChief’s Football Analysis by PEG
Well….I must comment on the KC Chiefs victory last night. Those of you who know me well….after being a lifetime fan, who remembers watching the Chiefs Win the Super Bowl in 1970, know the Chiefs lost my unconditional love after they lost 1998 AFC Divisional Home Game (13-3, home field advantage, 1st round bye) to […]
10Sep2017 | Ohg Rea Tone | 0 comments | ContinuedThe Moderate White American, Shameful Acts of Cowardly Comfort.
That title represents bold words for a one-eyed-fat-man. I have two eyes. I am also the alter-ego of an old white man – and my fellow white people, intelligent political moderates, have come up short in the advancing civilized struggle for morality and justice. People throughout my life have been weary of any direct confrontation […]
3Sep2017 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | ContinuedTRUMP – Despicable Me in Orange Hues
From a friend: Why does Trump always go after women by attacking their looks?? What mirror is he looking in to??? He is a vile, ugly, fat slob that looks like a cartoon character in Batman , except he does not need any makeup. He has goggle marks around his eyes from his fake spray […]
1Jul2017 | Gary Clark | 0 comments | ContinuedA Visit To The ER
I cut my finger. Or perhaps I should say my finger was in the way when the door was closing. I thought for a moment the finger was broken but it turned out to be only a bone deep cut. My deductible for an ER visit is seventy-five dollars – what to do? After a […]
12Jun2017 | Gary Clark | 0 comments | ContinuedA Few Thoughts On Tiger Woods Recent DUI
From a friend: A few thoughts on Tiger Woods. Regardless of whether you like him or not and for whatever reason you like him or not, I think the police dodged a bullet on this one. We’ve all seen the videos, some of you may see a drunk, some may see a drug addict, some […]
4Jun2017 | Gary Clark | 1 comment | ContinuedA Facebook discussion on Drug Addiction
Ron Taylor shared Jordan Rice‘s post. May 5 at 11:09pm · Jordan Rice April 23 at 12:21pm · Thank you. Edit: I didn’t explain why I agree with this or any experiences I have which left people opinion to make a bunch of dumb ass opinions about my logic. I don’t have the time to […]
8May2017 | Ohg Rea Tone | 0 comments | ContinuedA facebook Discussion On Single Payer Insurance
Robert Stuber Yesterday at 9:24am · AN EXPANDED MEDICARE 1. Of course, start with Medicare for all 2. Cover medicines, thus eliminating Part D expense to Americans 3. Give Medicare the power to negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical companies 4. Expand Medicare so that there would be no need for expensive tie- in supplemental private […]
21Apr2017 | Gary Clark | 0 comments | ContinuedAARP Is A Communist Plot To Destroy America!
Allow me to first reveal my bias. I am a member of AARP. I am over sixty years old. I am a male. I am educated. I know how to type. There! Now you know my background. AARP is very obviously a communist plot to destroy America. We need only look at the AARP Bulletin, […]
16Mar2017 | Gary Clark | 2 comments | ContinuedSingle Payer – What Is It and How Is It Better Than What We Have?
The health care debate rages on. Our system has been flawed from the beginning. Powerful Unions negotiated with employers to provide health insurance. Good for the Unions and unionized workers, not good for everybody. Insurance companies liked the deal because they could negotiate big lucrative packages. Actuaries ruled the day. It is actually simple math […]
10Mar2017 | Gary Clark | 1 comment | ContinuedTrump – Nostalgia Is Not What It Used to Be
Donald Trump, the so-called President of the United States, is fundamentally ignorant of history, literature, philosophy, and the humanities in general. Trump epitomizes the romantic ideal, completely unaware of his failure to understand reality. This is a common trait of people who are intellectually lazy, and particularly the intellectually lazy who are born with the […]
5Mar2017 | Gary Clark | 0 comments | ContinuedThe Homosexual Paradigm – Personal Experience
(Originally posted May 1, 2012. Re-posted out of a sense of need for the current discussion). There is no universal homosexual paradigm – but there are strong paradigms that drive our society. Previous generations of Americans often ignored the Gay community – you stay in your closet, I’ll stay in mine. Today we find the […]
1Mar2017 | Ohg Rea Tone | 8 comments | ContinuedDenying Freedom Of Press is Impeachable Offense
It is being widely reported today that the White House has selectively denied access to a news conference by the White House. The first amendment is clear: Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or […]
24Feb2017 | Gary Clark | 2 comments | ContinuedThe Pain of Awareness
Awareness is generally thought to be a good thing. Certainly we advocate being aware of one’s personal budget, of politics, of education, of science (Climate Change), of job opportunities, of our health, and even an awareness of our ignorance on various topics. I think it is useful to be aware of proper use of the […]
24Feb2017 | Gary Clark | 6 comments | ContinuedFireside Issues | Gun Violence
We have to protect our society. It is a moral imperative. We have to stop arguing about which guns you can own and which guns I can own. That has mostly been settled. The real culprit here is an industry unchecked, riding the wave of public opinion to profits beyond your imagination.
22Feb2017 | bryan | 3 comments | ContinuedFireside Issues | Abortion
If you want to end the practice of abortion, as I do, you will have to do that in partnership with women and providers.
29Jan2017 | bryan | 3 comments | ContinuedElectronic Medical Record – Great Idea, Problematic With Lazy Docs
Get out the cheese and crackers because I am getting ready to whine. It was long, long ago, about 2005, that my primary care physician was an accomplished in Internal Medicine. I had switched to his practice when I was fifty years old, reasoning that as I aged I would need someone with a more […]
16Jan2017 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | ContinuedTruth Versus Faith
Truth, belief, and faith – three legs on the stool of human endeavor. We seem to require all three but only truth can be measured and verified. Some people will get all up in arms about at that statement. They will say that I am challenging their faith. I am not. I am only saying […]
2Jan2017 | Gary Clark | 3 comments | ContinuedTerror Pranks By Brothers
It was 1955. I remember because I was on the receiving end of an older brother prank. (I have said before that I come by my prank-ing personality honestly – this is an example). In previous posts I tried to explain my pranks on my younger brothers in a manner that most excuses my errant […]
31Dec2016 | Gary Clark | 2 comments | ContinuedOlder Brothers and Pranks
Whether I come by my fascination with pranks honestly or not is sometimes irrelevant. I say ‘honestly’ because I come from a family of pranksters. And my two older brothers often tested their pranks on me. What was I to do, I passed the pranks on to my younger siblings. Like the time when I […]
30Dec2016 | Gary Clark | 2 comments | ContinuedA 1964 Christmas Story
It was 1964. Life hadn’t been great. This particular year had been mostly a nightmare. My Mother and Stepfather had separated. Finances were next to non-existent. Me being able to attend school became a burden for my Mother. At only fifteen, I was resigned to possibly, never finishing high school. I was the oldest of, […]
12Dec2016 | Nancy Belle | 1 comment | ContinuedBig Stick Diplomacy
President T.R. Roosevelt is quoted as having said, “Speak softly and carry a big stick”. Don’t you just love those easy clever witticisms? Bumper sticker diplomacy at its finest. Wit is not the same as wisdom. Clever is not the same as wisdom. Wisdom speaks softly and carries a big stick – and carries the […]
10Dec2016 | Gary Clark | 0 comments | ContinuedPage Displays In A Mobile World
thefiresidepost.com launched in 2007. We had some success. Success caused a ripple in our egos – my son’s and mine. Some people liked our political commentary while others preferred our essays on recipes. Where should we focus? was the question. By 2008 we determined that we had an online magazine. Our magazine knows no bounds […]
2Dec2016 | Gary Clark | 1 comment | Continuedthefiresidepost.com is Back On Line. Bluehost, SiteLock, and Malware
What a pain in the whazoo. Sorry for the down time folks. We are back on line. Here is the deal as I understand it. I am not a good wordpress site administrator. My son usually does that work but he actually has a real job so I have been taking care of updating our […]
1Dec2016 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on thefiresidepost.com is Back On Line. Bluehost, SiteLock, and Malware | ContinuedArtistic Interpretation of Trump Victory
Ben Franklin was a Founding Father who used political cartoons as a means of persuasion. With biting with he would cause a person to reflect and reconsider. And that was not his day job. Some people are just naturally gifted at imagery and symbolism used a tools for thoughtful discourse. I am no expert on […]
13Nov2016 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on Artistic Interpretation of Trump Victory | ContinuedUSA 2016 is Analogous to Iran 1979
This is a bold commentary by someone with limited actual knowledge. My recall of history says that the invention of the internal combustion engine, followed by Henry Ford’s assembly line and mass production – put the oil rich countries of the Middle East on the map. My memory says the Saudi family took charge about […]
9Nov2016 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on USA 2016 is Analogous to Iran 1979 | ContinuedPost Cards In The Eighth Ward
On this election day in 2016 I have been reflecting back over past elections. Elections that were personal. Elections that had real consequences. Elections that shaped the education of my children. Elections that shaped the quality of life for my neighbors. Elections mattered then and they matter now. This post is not a diatribe of […]
8Nov2016 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on Post Cards In The Eighth Ward | ContinuedMy Psychiatric Nerve
I have problems; always have had, likely always will. One of the problems is in naming my problems. Naming problems is categorically dependent. When naming a problem, do I use the language of religion, psychiatry, layman, political party – or some variation of modern self-help-ism. As with most spoken words it depends on the audience. […]
7Nov2016 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on My Psychiatric Nerve | ContinuedNew Fireside Post Format
Well, here we are, almost ten years into the grand experiment of a father and son chat on the internet. We quickly became thefiresidepost.com and have had a couple of major upgrades since. My son, the Administrator of this magazine, got a new job, went back to school, had more children, yadda, yadda… He became […]
27Oct2016 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on New Fireside Post Format | ContinuedDonald Trump Late Night jokes
“Yesterday, Donald Trump said, ‘If I lose, I don’t think you’ll ever see me again.’ So finally, a Trump campaign slogan we can all get behind.” –Conan O’Brien
24Oct2016 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Donald Trump Late Night jokes | ContinuedMore Donald Trump Jokes
“Over the weekend, three pages of Donald Trump’s 1995 tax return were leaked, revealing that he declared a $916 million loss from his three Atlantic City casinos. That’s right. Donald Trump lost money on casinos. You know what they say, ‘The house always loses.’” –Stephen Colbert “You started your campaign by accusing Mexicans of being […]
24Oct2016 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on More Donald Trump Jokes | ContinuedTrump The Democrat? Runs As Republican?
Donald Trump actually does have New York values. What does that mean? Generally, when people congregate in large urban areas they become more liberal. Why? Donald Trump has held liberal political views all of his adult life. He ran for President ass a Republican because he knew the Democratic Party would not accept his lack […]
19Oct2016 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on Trump The Democrat? Runs As Republican? | Continued