All Posts Tagged With: "ACORN"

When Seniors Look For Love
OK – right off I have to admit that I am a senior. That is the demilitarized zone between middle age and elderly. This is but one account of love in a life well lived, and the hope for love yet to come. Life has bestowed many blessings on this old man. Good women have […]
10Jun2015 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Obama Wins – Thanks to ACORN
Obama will win this election, no doubt about it. He speaks about hope, change and civil liberties. When he speaks everyone listens, from the elite to the redneck. His Leftist support group ACORN has helped to spread his message, but they don’t stop there. They have helped bring voters to the booths in record numbers […]
13Oct2008 | Cole James | 2 comments | Continued