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When The Bully Runs The School
Abusive bureaucrats ultimately lead to an angry, embittered, skeptical, and frustrated populace. The current issue hitting the Supreme Court is a case where a thirteen year old girl was strip-searched by school authorities. This is exactly the sort of case that gets all of the attention – it is great headline news – and the […]
22Apr2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 4 comments | Continued
Respecting Joe Six-Pack
Governor Sarah Palin has resurrected an old term – Joe Six Pack. Her notion is that she represents that demographic – folksy, hard working, beer drinking, regular American people. Her position is not so much that she can represent Joe – it is more that she is Joe. This is troubling. The Founding Fathers wrote […]
3Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 6 comments | Continued
Joe Biden responds to Governor Palin
Joe Biden talked on the air with Matt Laur – that guy from one of those morning shows. Joe Biden is not intimidated and is showing his considerable political skill. McCain’s speech writers prepared a well crafted speech – but Sarah Palin delivered it with vigor and skill. Listen to Biden’s response:
5Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Governor Palin – a UFO
We live in a dangerous world. Our leaders must be thoughtful, careful, calculated. John McCain has proven himself to be reactionary. Republican or Democrat, we must be proactive in our approach to the world. Reactionary government is something one expects from a totalitarian dictatorship walking the line of collapse. The dictator fears only one thing […]
30Aug2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 5 comments | Continued
Bill Clinton DNC Speech Text, Video, 8-27-2008
I am honored to be here tonight to support Barack Obama. And to warm up the crowd for Joe Biden, though as you’ll soon see, he doesn’t need any help from me. I love Joe Biden, and America will too. What a year we Democrats have had. The primary began with an all-star line up […]
28Aug2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Bill Clinton DNC Speech Text, Video, 8-27-2008 | Continued
A Season for Hope – Ted Kennedy
This writer grew up watching the Kennedy family. We watched and followed John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy. We cried with the nation when those great men were assassinated. We were saddened when Senator Ted Kennedy seemed to fail the legacy. But Ted Kennedy is a man who demonstrates that there is salvation in America. […]
26Aug2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Banks do Business with Predatory Lenders
I was in my bank the other day to roll over my wife’s 401k, and I was browsing all of their literature while I waited for the financial advisor. I don’t usually pay any attention to all of the stuff along the wall because I already have all of the banking junk that I need […]
12Aug2008 | bryan | Comments Off on Banks do Business with Predatory Lenders | Continued
John Edwards – Craig, Clinton, Delay
So John Edwards has admitted that he had an extra marital affair. Is this important? Possibly. The admission will definitely affect his box seats at the Democratic Convention. But is this event any different, more or less important than other travesties of silliness by other public figures. John Edwards ran for President but failed to […]
9Aug2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on John Edwards – Craig, Clinton, Delay | Continued
Learning about Smoking Meat
This has been a good summer for my patio. A friend gave me an old smoker – one of those stand up models with a water/drip pan. But hey, I never smoked a piece of meat in my life. I have smoked other things, but they could easily fit in my shirt pocket. So I […]
5Aug2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Learning about Smoking Meat | Continued