All Posts Tagged With: "advertising"

The Irony of Google Advertising
We operate in a Google world. When the lawyers on Boston Legal want to research something they say, ‘let’s Google it.’ I wrote a post on Googling my name to search my family tree. This online magazine is closely associated with Google. We allow Google to generate advertising based on our content. The results are […]
10Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Barack Obama – The Surge is Working
Son, I am not talking about Iraq. I am talking about the Presidential Primaries. Obama is surging in the media – and that translates into votes. The Obama campaign has been managing endorsements all week. They manage these endorsements in the sense that each endorsement gains free advertising on the cable news circuit. Announce an […]
3Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Barack Obama – The Surge is Working | Continued
Payday Loans and Bounce Rates
Son, The Payday loan business is just that, a business. They are like any other business. They make money by having a steady stream of customers. And, like other businesses, they measure their success. I would sure like to see their statistics. We write essays for this online magazine. We measure our success in the […]
22Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Payday Loans and Bounce Rates | Continued