All Posts Tagged With: "african-american"

Matthews and Russert – Laurel and Hardy
Son, Chris Matthews and Tim Russert remind me of the original comedy team of Laurel and Hardy. Russert does not like to do heavy lifting – so he asks questions about driver’s licenses and race and gender. At a recent round table discussion Russert said something about women voters – a female panelist responded that […]
26Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Matthews and Russert – Laurel and Hardy | Continued
MSNBC Dumbs Down Demographics
Son, The constant harping on polls by demographics is wearing thin. Chris Matthews and Tim Russert have to be two of the worst. The suggestion is that people can only vote for people like themselves. Women vote for women. Blacks vote for blacks. Matthews votes for Russert. This denigration of masses of people based on […]
26Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on MSNBC Dumbs Down Demographics | Continued
Clinton and Obama expose Media Bigots
Son, This election is probably shaping up to one of the most important ever for understanding our ‘good old boy media.’ All of those old men are harping on race and feminism. It is as if they cannot grasp issues of charisma, or hope, or ideas, or anything of substance. Pat Buchanan was just on […]
9Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Clinton and Obama expose Media Bigots | Continued
Take That! Al Sharpton
Son, I am so tickled at Obama’s success. He has demonstrated that Black leaders are not just loud mouthed buffoons with a shallow and selfish agenda. Of course, I am speaking of Al Sharpton. Barack Obam is a poke in Al Sharpton’s bigoted eye. Even setting Imus aside, Sharpton runs around the country, as he […]
9Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Take That! Al Sharpton | Continued
Obama – the time has come
Son. The time has come for change in America. The genie is out of the bottle. The magic is in the air. Fresh breezes are blowing. Spring will see new life. How many ways can this be said. Barack Obama has sent a message to the White House. Barack Obama has sent a message to […]
4Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Obama – the time has come | Continued
Obama – The Soul of Black Folk – Incarnated.
Son, You are young and you support Barack Obama. The elder statesmen of politics dismiss Obama for that very reason – only the young and inexperienced support him – but what do they know? Young people do not have the experience of time – so you are left to your intuitive hope and faith for […]
11Oct2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Social creatures and semantics
Son, (Note – some of the language here may be offensive.) Your sensitivity to semantics has merit. Humans, by nature and nurture, are social creatures. All of us have the need for acceptance, a sense of belonging. We understand our level of acceptance through our language – the terms people use to describe us. We […]
21Sep2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | 3 comments | Continued