All Posts Tagged With: "assassination"

Bambi Obama
Son, Barack Obama has been anointed. Personally I am happy for him and for our country. But when a super star rises and the people rally – objective politics is endangered. Who wants to shoot Bambi? Dad An afterthought – I wrote the above post with on a whim. It had already been posted when […]
8Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Bambi Obama | Continued
Huckabee exposed – ambition overrules compassion
Son, Mike Huckabee is running for President, in case you had not noticed. He is a clever guy – well, I suppose all of those folks are pretty smart. Huckabee is very clever – but clever is different than being smart. Last week the world saw a nasty and horrible assassination of a world leader. […]
2Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Huckabee exposed – ambition overrules compassion | Continued
Media Hosts Fail in Presidential Debates
Son, Is our inept Media driving foreign policy? Do we rely on celebrity Media Hosts to define important issues? I hope not. Because the Media Hosts are so infatuated with themselves that they are not aware of a big world and real issues that have real consequences. I hearken back to the Democratic Debate. Time […]
28Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Media Hosts Fail in Presidential Debates | Continued