All Posts Tagged With: "Bill Gates"

The paradox of Steve Jobs
Son, I have written several posts on Steve Jobs and Apple, Inc. Some people take offense – that is only healthy. Steve Jobs is a real study in innovation, technology, business, and personality. All of these combine to produce a final product. If Steve Jobs had been more flexible as a business man in 1979 […]
12Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Apple Computer – failure of marketing
Son, As you know I have worked in technology since 1969. I remember in the early 80’s when I was working in Health Care Information Systems. We used mainframe computers – but could not deny the emerging world of the personal computer – the PC. Notice how easy that was to write, PC – Personal […]
11Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Apple Computer and the real world
Son, I watch television and movies and commercials – all the nonsense stuff that entertains me and distracts me from the seriousness of life. One of the things I note is the use of computers and the clever promotion of Apple. All of the movies have laptops that can access any information that might conceivable […]
11Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 20 comments | Continued
Apple Inc. – Highway Reststop
Son, Steve Jobs, inventor, entrepreneur, corporate mogul, marketing wizard, philanthropist – what has he done? Apple Computer has created a stop along the highway, a place where weary travelers in the daily journey through technology can stop in and refresh themselves. This is an old story. The human relationship with technology is the outward manifestation […]
3Oct2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Apple Inc. – Highway Reststop | Continued