All Posts Tagged With: "Catholic Church"

U. S. Government Has Higher Ethical Standards Than Catholic Church
One time in the history of our country a President had to resign. He was caught covering up for some dim-witted burglars working on his election team. Just imagine that the President had been covering for hundreds of staffers who were molesting young boys. The United States Government has higher ethical standards than the Catholic […]
29Mar2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on U. S. Government Has Higher Ethical Standards Than Catholic Church | Continued
World Without End – Ken Follett
Ken Follett has pulled off another fine story. The depiction of life in 14th Century England is so well done that I consider this work a historical novel. Like his previous masterpiece, Pillars of the Earth, Follett spun a story of intrigue, suspense, drama, and of humanity. Follett is a master craftsman. Solid use of […]
19Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on World Without End – Ken Follett | Continued