All Posts Tagged With: "cause"

Serenity and Social Justice
I like the idea of social justice. Probably because there are many opportunities to challenge society, to fight with others, to maintain the moral high ground, to bask in the righteousness of being right all the time. Social Justice has been a ball and chain in my life. Check this out: I just googled who […]
6Jan2018 | Thomas Franklin | 0 comments | Continued
Investing Our Self In A Cause
When we completely invest ourselves in any cause we risk our sanity. From religion to politics to civil rights to social justice – to being employed in a noble profession – any cause can be consuming. Problems come when we identify ourselves in the context of the cause. We risk losing touch with social norms. […]
14Jan2011 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Investing Our Self In A Cause | Continued
Racists and Birthers Are Not Just Dim-Witted Rednecks
In 1776 immigration was unchecked in the American colonies. The people living here decided to form their own government and bypass the King’s tax man. Those folks wrote some rules that defined our form of Government and who was eligible to hold office. The President had to be a natural born citizen – meaning that […]
1Apr2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Racists and Birthers Are Not Just Dim-Witted Rednecks | Continued
Everything Happens for A Reason
Son, “Everything happens for a reason.” How many times have we heard that? And how many smart people have we heard make that comment? The statement is usually made in the context of spirituality or religion – seldom in the context of science. But the statement is only true in the context of science. And […]
16Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Everything Happens for A Reason | Continued