All Posts Tagged With: "celebrity"

OJ Defines the Media, Media Defines OJ
OJ Simpson is in the news again – a regular for the past forty years. Ironically – OJ’s celebrity status was a product of the media – but the media was defined in many ways by the celebrity of OJ. The excitement OJ generated on the football field directly contributed to the excitement of televised […]
5Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on OJ Defines the Media, Media Defines OJ | Continued
OJ – Celebrity Tragedy
OJ Simpson has been a darling of the media for forty years. Few celebrities reach this level of achievement, we might think of Elvis and the Beatles. We could debate the similarities of these celebrities – rags to riches, riches to rags, stardom and tragedy. But OJ is strikingly different. Elvis Presley was a confused […]
5Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on OJ – Celebrity Tragedy | Continued
Richard Gere video on being a Buddhist
Son, I really like this video. Richard Gere explains his position without being a wacko celebrity. The philosophy also lends itself to my understanding of the world. I have not declared my faith as Buddhist – but I like the message. Dad
25Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Richard Gere video on being a Buddhist | Continued
Oprah and Barack – transcending race
Son, A curious phenomenon is taking place. Oprah Winfrey is going on the stump for Barack Obama. So what? It is not unusual for celebrities to endorse candidates for political office. But this phenomenon is unusual, for several reasons. Oprah does not normally do this. Oprah has been on television for 25 years and has […]
26Nov2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Oprah and Barack – transcending race | Continued