All Posts Tagged With: "Central"

The Road to Tyranny – and other ludicrous ideas
The correct place for Shawn Hannity and Michelle Bachman is on Comedy Central. These folks are breaking down with psychotic episodes of paranoia. Fortunately for people like me, Stewart and Colbert help keep this insanity in perspective. We have ranted and blustered at the conservative right wing. Particularly during the election cycle. I am afraid […]
8Apr2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Road to Tyranny – and other ludicrous ideas | Continued
Lewis Black defends Huckabee
Son Leave Mike Huckabee alone! Lewis Black is an outrageous comedian who does this superb spoof of Huckabee’s campaign supporters. Not exactly in the mold of Chuck NOrris – but entertaining never the less. Black’s ‘Root of All Evil’ series premieres March 12th on Comedy Central. [wp_youtube]kGSoqfHfcL0[/wp_youtube] Dad
27Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Lewis Black defends Huckabee | Continued
More Bush Humor
Son, The American People are going to miss George W. Bush. This Presidency has been the source of some really fine humor. Here are a couple of videos. This is a play on the Abbott and Costello ‘Who’s on First’ routine: [wp_youtube]NymAL4_okyQ[/wp_youtube] Here is that great Bush impersonator on Comedy Central with Jeff Foxworthy: [wp_youtube]x-2c6GTXoHE[/wp_youtube] […]
22Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on More Bush Humor | Continued
Jon Stewart gives pointers to Ron Paul
Son, Ron Paul did the now required appearance on Jon Stewart’s Daily Show. Jon Stewart was not only gracious but offered some sage advice on managing the other candidates during the debates. They had a civil conversation. Mr. Paul presented well – to my surprise. Mr. Paul noted that the other candidates are not very […]
30Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Jon Stewart gives pointers to Ron Paul | Continued
Looking back – Jon Stewart on Monica Lewinski
Son, Jon Stewart has been around for awhile – and while his brand of humor can be antagonistic – he continues to be respected. Virtually no one attacks Jon Stewart. Why is that? Is it because he is fundamentally correct in his reasoning process? Dad
23Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Looking back – Jon Stewart on Monica Lewinski | Continued
Stewart on Nevada debate – know when to fold.
Son, Jon Stewart is a great political commentator. His use of humor to point out the obvious that seems to escape the rest of us is unparalleled. I think we see these things but it takes a Jon Stewart to articulate for us what is the source of our uneasiness. Dad
23Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Stewart on Nevada debate – know when to fold. | Continued