All Posts Tagged With: "chaos"

Clinton Trump Debate Can Go Off The Rails
WOW! We are in for a treat. Maybe I should restate that – if we like fireworks we might like the Clinton Trump Debates. If we like the idea of diplomats debating world affairs we are probably not going to enjoy the evening. Let the debates begin – with more potential for fireworks than any […]
30Aug2016 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Anger Disguised As Political and Religious Reasoning
Most of the extremist people I know, left or right, have troubled backgrounds. There is no other way to say it. Today I am going to use a dear troubled friend as an example. Of course, the name has been changed. Some will argue that this is mere anecdotal reasoning and thus not comprehensive enough […]
7Mar2016 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on Anger Disguised As Political and Religious Reasoning | Continued
The Irony of Ohg Rea Tone – the Conflict of Ideology
Ohg Rea Tone struggles, like others who believe wholeheartedly in their own point of view. The simple twist of fate put Mr. Tone on the left side of most issues. Had the shoe of the other foot fallen a few millimeters to the right, Mr. Tone would sound the same, look the same, feel the […]
10Mar2014 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on The Irony of Ohg Rea Tone – the Conflict of Ideology | Continued
Comments on a Life of Chaos
Did you ever know anyone who just seemed to live their life in constant chaos? Most likely. Chaos can become a part of our cultural understanding of the world around us. People raised in chaos often live chaotic lives. Some attempt a life of moderation – but under duress often resort to extreme chaos or […]
28Aug2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Comments on a Life of Chaos | Continued
Rush Limbaugh is Imploding
Before the dawn of the flat screen television everyone used CRT’s (Cathode Ray Tubes). Before the dawn of the 2008 elections people listened to Rush Limbaugh. These two inventions of modern man are very similar. They are both filled with vacuums and when struck they implode. Rush Limbaugh is imploding. Limbaugh’s biggest fan is DICK […]
14May2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued