All Posts Tagged With: "Charles"

Brigham Young, Jim Jones, Rush Limbaugh
There is evidence throughout history that desperate people will follow just about anybody. Generally the numbers do not reflect the majority. Generally the numbers are quite small in proportion to the whole. That was the case with the Mormon cult, it was the case with the Jim Jones cult, and it is the truth with […]
24Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Charles Rangel on Hardball, 1-15-08
Son, Something exciting is happening in America. Chris Matthews has Congressman Charles Rangel on his show and they are being civil.. Rangel is beside himself with joy over the prospects of an African-American President. As should we all. Rangel, “We’ve had some terrible political setbacks and …I just hope that Barack Obama is a different […]
16Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Charles Rangel on Hardball, 1-15-08 | Continued
James Clyburn, Charles Rangel, Hardball, 1-15-08
Son, There are some wonderful and competent black leaders in this country. I am surprised that they have allowed Al Sharpton to have any voice. These men, like James Clyburn and Charles Rangel, are extremely competent thoughtful men. Ryburn is on Hardball right now. Of course, given the current political races, these men are asked […]
16Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued