All Posts Tagged With: "Chauvinism"

Sins of Our Father – and Other Life Prejudices
At some point in each or our lives we have to ask ourselves – who am I? Social order forces the question. We cannot live a complete life without someone challenging at least one of our belief systems – and often our entire concept of proper culture. Prejudices must be examined and rethought – for […]
22May2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Sins of Our Father – and Other Life Prejudices | Continued
Chris Matthews, Racist, Chauvinist
Son, The star of Chris Matthews has risen. Now we can see who he really is. And it is not pretty. Clinton scored a huge comeback in New Hampshire. Matthews explanation – “…the New Hampshire voters lied to the pollsters. They lied about voting for a black man because they were embarrassed… Hillary did not […]
9Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 8 comments | Continued