All Posts Tagged With: "citizen"

Fireside Issues | Gun Violence
We have to protect our society. It is a moral imperative. We have to stop arguing about which guns you can own and which guns I can own. That has mostly been settled. The real culprit here is an industry unchecked, riding the wave of public opinion to profits beyond your imagination.
22Feb2017 | bryan | 3 comments | Continued
Ben Carson Humor – 2015
Ben Carson is that neuro guy – which seems to be an enigma given his loose tongue. No matter – there are some really creative people running around with high tech opportunities to mix humor, politics, and technology. Enjoy:
9Nov2015 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Ben Carson Humor – 2015 | Continued
Racism, just another campaign challenge
Son, The media is in a big toot about Racism. Bill Clinton dismissed Obama’s victory in South Carolina by stating that Jesse Jackson won there in 1984 and 1988. The implication was that Barack Obama is just another black man. The media interprets this as an attempt to minimize Obama by Clinton. Well duh! What […]
28Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Racism, just another campaign challenge | Continued