All Posts Tagged With: "Civil"

Stop Fighting
Most of us do not know how to fight. Sadly, most of us think we do know. We are proud of our wit, our sarcasm, our humor at the expense of others. If not, then we act as if we are in control – proudly and falsely saying that we would not ‘stoop to that […]
9Oct2015 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Stop Fighting | Continued
Of Bankruptcies and Health Care
My friend, Frank, has big problems – financial problems. Like so many people today, his youth was consumed with self gratification. I remember those days – living like there is no tomorrow. Now he is fifty years old, has marginal labor skills, and the financial shock of an encounter with modern health care.
1Mar2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Of Bankruptcies and Health Care | Continued
McCain gets really NASTY!
Check out his new ad. Three black men doing bad things followed by an elderly white woman. What a cheap and nasty campaign ad. Let’s elect McCain and Palin, we can set Civil Rights and the Women’s movement back fifty years in one shot. The Republican Party is the Lynching Party – bring your own […]
19Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Religion – General or Particular
Son, We talk about faith. We talk about religion. We talk about Church. But when you and I talk we are on different plains. I usually speak of religion, even Christianity, in general terms. You have a commitment to a particular church and their doctrine. You and I represent the fundamental debate of faith – […]
16Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Religion – General or Particular | Continued
Race is perception – why it matters in politics
Son, I am a baby boomer – that generation of people that outnumber the rest of you folks. We grew up with civil rights and anti-war protesting and counter culture movements. Today we are skeptical about those who wish to claim the mantle of leadership for cultural change. Race is always important. We loved Martin […]
26Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Race is perception – why it matters in politics | Continued
Guantanamo Bay Cuba and the ACLU
Son, I received the following email encouraging an email or on-line petition. I added the italics: “January 11, 2008 will mark six years since the first 20 prisoners arrived at Guantánamo Bay Cuba. Since then, 775 prisoners have passed through the gates and no trials have been completed. As a symbol of freedom and democracy […]
12Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Guantanamo Bay Cuba and the ACLU | Continued