All Posts Tagged With: "community"

An Intro to the American Coffee House
From the truck stop burners to the gourmet air pots of the local coffee shop to the drive through of the Starbucks on the way to work, coffee dispensing has become more American than preemptive strikes. Coffee has been around. It is nothing new, really. It is not even a product of American culture. In […]
8Oct2008 | bryan | 1 comment | Continued
The Red Cross – Darn Community Organizers
Community Organizer – what the heck is that? The Republicans of today’s world suggest there is something demeaning or degrading about the role of community organizer. There are two videos in this post to support that position. But our local Community Chamber of Commerce might take exception to the degrading comments. And those darn Red […]
9Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
The Bird’s Nest – Cradle of the Future? (Video)
China has given the world a demonstration of their claim on the future. The opening ceremonies of the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics are unrivaled – and will remain unrivaled for generations. The grandeur of the Chinese coming out party was a delicate mix of technology and humanity. At the center of the spectacle was “The […]
10Aug2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Bird’s Nest – Cradle of the Future? (Video) | Continued
intimate anonymity in the electronic age
If you are reading this article, then it is no surprise to you that our electronic culture is changing faster than we can measure and our connectedness boasts the largest geographical and numerical network in history. The phenomenon of our communication age is a child of several technologies that all dramatically shaped our culture, and […]
2Jun2008 | bryan | Comments Off on intimate anonymity in the electronic age | Continued
vouchers and the public school dilemma
Dad, The debate about public school systems and what to do with them is complicated and seeped in emotion and personal experience. The program of offering vouchers has as broad a mix of public opinion as any of the publicly debated issues today. I have my own thoughts and feelings, and they are conflicting and […]
26Feb2008 | bryan | 4 comments | Continued
5 traits of a healthy faith
Dad, We have conversations about faith, religions, ad Jesus a lot in this magazine. I thought it might be helpful to look at some of the factors that define healthy faith journeys and get some feedback on what that might look like. In short, here are 5 things that I think represent a healthy faith: […]
18Jan2008 | bryan | 1 comment | Continued
The Enigma of Wal-Mart
Son, You and I are of different generations – how obvious is that. What is less obvious is what it means to be of different generations. I am a baby-boomer, you are a nut case child of the seventies. Such is the case with labels. But the cultural influences and differences of our lives are […]
11Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Representing US to the World
Son, We live in a Republic. Our government represents us. Taxes, infrastructure, social justice, law, common defense – all of that traditional stuff. Stuff that is defined in the preamble to our constitution. But we live today in a global community. Someone has to represent us to the world. That someone is the President. […]
6Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Representing US to the World | Continued
Dumpster Diving to save the world.
Son, What is dumpster diving? That depends on perspective. Are you the diver or the divee? (The divee is the business that fills the dumpster with ‘waste.’) Everyone in our country should slow down for a day or two and reflect on our use and abuse of our material wealth. The size of our economy […]
21Nov2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued