All Posts Tagged With: "conservative"
Illegal Immigrants and How to Not To Do Anything About It
I am a hoarder of information, documents, letters, email, etc. Today I was forced to dig into the my archives for information someone wants, someone who had it, but didn’t take care of it. Any who I digress. While digging into the ramparts of my OLD emails, I found this little gem, from May of […]
28Jun2018 | Nancy Belle | 0 comments | ContinuedFree Ranging Kids
The Clark Station on Mitchell, this was ‘Our Gangs’ pit stop on the way home from playing at Devil’s Backbone. My cousins and I would spend the day playing dirt clod war at ‘Bird Heaven’ or playing at mountain climbing on the 12th street side or sliding down the grassy steep hill on cardboard or […]
10Jun2018 | Nancy Belle | 2 comments | ContinuedScapegoat Politics…
Just some things rattling in my head this morning…. Today I see headlines about Marco Rubio being booed at a gathering to discuss the recent school shooting. Booed and pinned down to say yay or nay to the NRA, pinned down to say guns were responsible for the recent and past shootings. This is disturbing. […]
22Feb2018 | Nancy Belle | 1 comment | ContinuedWhy? It’s More Than Guns
I don’t mean to disparage the intent of the Florida survivors who are now passionately pounding the anti-gun message. Yet, immediately after the shooting, I saw and heard several young people who claimed to know the shooter. They, with disdain in their voices, described a person who was off, didn’t fit in, was a juvenile […]
21Feb2018 | Nancy Belle | 1 comment | ContinuedPostcards From the RNC, Robo Calls That Is!
I keep getting robo calls from the RNC…. They desperately need $75 from me to fight the biased media and drain the swamp. What?? That is roughly 1/12th of my total monthly income. I have no problem telling them I am living on Social Security and not much of that, but I’m talking to deaf […]
21Nov2017 | Nancy Belle | 0 comments | ContinuedEquality Is Not Tangible
I am all for equality between the sexes. Always have been, I guess. As a Baby Boomer, I have seen a whole lot of it not being that way. Equality is easily defined on paper and somehow in life it gets spread out, the lines get blurred and more difficult to find the easy divisions […]
16Nov2017 | Nancy Belle | 0 comments | ContinuedCuriosity is Not Alone in Killing the Cat
A curiosity moment led me to wonder, “Just what are the most probable causes of the Apocalypse and if any, the percentages of certainty?” I found many articles and many opinions on the subject and very little speculation or mathematics on how to rate each catastrophe with a percentage of ‘Most Likely’ to happen. What […]
12Oct2017 | Nancy Belle | 1 comment | ContinuedNFL, NASCAR and America
So the Divisionaries continue to divide… It’s true that NASCAR has only had 4 black drivers in its history, notably one being a black woman. Yet, the popularity of the sport fades in the light of Football. Where 64% of Americans claim to be fans. Break that down to 73% of men and 55% of […]
26Sep2017 | Nancy Belle | 3 comments | ContinuedIt’s a Cat’s Life
I have a barn/porch cat, her name is Skeeter aka Trouble, who would dearly love to be an indoor/outdoor cat. Especially on cold days, 60 degrees appears to be her cue to want in. She is in this predicament, because after being in the house for several months, or a year, I forget, she became […]
10Sep2017 | Nancy Belle | 0 comments | ContinuedTrump The Democrat? Runs As Republican?
Donald Trump actually does have New York values. What does that mean? Generally, when people congregate in large urban areas they become more liberal. Why? Donald Trump has held liberal political views all of his adult life. He ran for President ass a Republican because he knew the Democratic Party would not accept his lack […]
19Oct2016 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on Trump The Democrat? Runs As Republican? | Continued“Conservative” Does Not Mean Smaller Government
Ronald Reagan hijacked the term “Conservative” and twisted it to his own political purpose. Remember his famous quote, something like this: “Government does not solve the problem, government is the problem.” The dingbats get goosebumps every time they hear that quote. More military they say, but less government. The government should leave my social security […]
24Aug2016 | Gary Clark | 1 comment | ContinuedPerceptions and Homemade Bread
Before I get much further, I just want to say this is not, a crying in your beer or milk, sob story of a life in poverty. Now that’s out of the way and here we go. I am the second child of the nine children my mother gave birth to. If my mother was […]
4Oct2015 | Nancy Belle | 1 comment | ContinuedI Am Woman, Stand By Your Man – Helen Reddy vs. Tammy Wynette
Helen Reddy gained notoriety on her first hit “I Am Woman” (1972). Her hit stood in stark contrast to Tammy Wynette’s “Stand By Your Man” (1968). Released just four years apart – these two songs reflected the division in a changing culture from the 1960’s to the 1970’s. In 2015 we stand at another reflection […]
27Aug2015 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | ContinuedThe Cruel Hoax of Fanatics
Our dog is something of a rescue dog – she was turned over to a veterinary clinic with a gash on her head and one eye-ball literally hanging out. We took responsibility for the dog ($800 over two years). We do not know her age. Obviously we know she suffered some trauma in her life. […]
18May2013 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on The Cruel Hoax of Fanatics | ContinuedSave Yourself – Then Pull Up the Ladder
It is not in the nature of man to escape danger and then abandon fellow humans who face the same danger. We see examples in every war of courageous self sacrifice to rescue fellow soldiers. We often see firefighters or police officers risk their own safety to help others. The idea works well at an […]
8Mar2012 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued“…Universal Masculine Purity” – The Conservative Ideal
Are we ready to return to the morale of Victorian England? It was the age of ‘class structure’. It was the age of male domination. It was the age of female submission. It was the age of child labor in textile mills. It was the age of long work days and poor health and nutrition. […]
29Feb2012 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on “…Universal Masculine Purity” – The Conservative Ideal | ContinuedSantorum – The George McGovern of the GOP?
1972 was a desperate year for liberals. Civil Rights Acts were passed, anti Viet Nam protesting succeeded, Martin Luther King was gone, Robert F. Kennedy was gone, Richard Nixon was steamrolling with the Kissinger detente, women’s rights were on the table – and desperation to regain the White House led to fanatical overdoses of liberalism […]
14Feb2012 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | ContinuedTraditional Conservatives – An Oxymoron
There was a time when to say someone was conservative was to say that they were invested in healthy tradition. Change for the sake of change was a foolish notion. In the world of the twenty-first century the conservatives have changed the meaning to something more like: Progress for the sake of Progress is a […]
5Nov2011 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | ContinuedThe Problem With Liberals 1965 – 2010
After the Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964 the liberals of both parties felt emboldened. They were ready to challenge the fertile ground of poverty, aging, war, college education, and woman’s rights. These were and are noble issues. By some definitions the liberal movement of that era was quite successful. But there were some […]
26Apr2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Problem With Liberals 1965 – 2010 | ContinuedMake Hay While The Sun Shines
The Democrats thought the sun was shining. The election of 2008 swept the Democrats back into power in Washington D.C. – or so they thought. It now appears that Washington is not so different than Punkin Center, Missouri. Here in Punkin Center we live and die by old sayings. The relevant saying aptly applied to […]
26Jan2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Make Hay While The Sun Shines | ContinuedReally Tired of Liberal Complaining
It is just me – or has the left wing of the liberal loonies gone completely Rovian. You surely remember Karl Rove – the master of negative Rovian Politics (RP’s). Liberal wackos like Arianna Huffington and Ed Shultz are taking their cues from Mr. Rove. In rural Missouri parlance it is called: Bitch! Bitch! Bitch! […]
28Dec2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued“the shifting sands of charity… the firm bedrock of law”
Winston Churchill was a young man of twenty two when he gave his first political speech. He referenced the Government’s Workmen’s Compensation Bill before the Parliament in England. “He said the bill, ‘removed the question from the shifting sands of charity and placed it on the firm bedrock of law‘.” (Churchill: A Life, by Gilbert, […]
10Dec2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on “the shifting sands of charity… the firm bedrock of law” | ContinuedPresident Obama Is Not Like Other Liberals
President Obama is not in the same league, the same class, the same stratus as the rest of us liberal thinkers. The rest of us enjoy a good old fashioned fight. President Obama seems to steer clear of roughhousing. Who does he think he is – the President? Keith Olberman loves a food fight. If […]
6Oct2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on President Obama Is Not Like Other Liberals | ContinuedSotomayor’s Media Week In Review 5-30-09
Sonia Sotomayor has been nominated by President Obama to the Supreme Court of the United States. The pick was guaranteed to raised the hackles of the declining fundamentalist movement. And sure enough – it did. This youtube video highlights the first week in the media after Sotomayor’s nomination: One has to love the pseudo conservatives […]
30May2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Sotomayor’s Media Week In Review 5-30-09 | ContinuedReal ID’s: Why Are We Frustrated With Government
Modern government is a real enigma. We all agree that we need government, but we all want “the gov’ment” to leave us alone. In many ways conservative and liberals are alike – no one wants big brother government – but everyone wants equality and protection. Everyone hates bureaucracy – but everyone also has their pet […]
20May2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | ContinuedBoy Scouts Fight The ACLU
Last year I went down to St. Joe, Mo., to participate in a Boy Scout Pine Wood Derby. Well, actually I was more of a spectator than a participant. But some of those events are small and even the spectators feel like we are somehow participating. This particular event was at a ‘district’ level. There […]
13May2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | ContinuedAbortion and Common Sense
Abortion is not black or white, liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican. Abortion is a problem of humanity – and this era of Abortion in American will be studied by future historians. The folks looking back will recognize the futile and selfish partisan bickering that prolonged the agony of a health care disaster. Both fanatical […]
6May2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 8 comments | ContinuedConservative Hypocracy on Earmarks
The Fireside Post has been criticized in the past for supporting President Obama. The criticism often points to conservative railing points – most notably congressional earmarks in budget bills. The last assault noted the study of the sex habits of some obscure creature in South America. Of course, this was an exaggeration intended to discredit any argument for the President. But the tables have been turned today.
11Mar2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 3 comments | ContinuedPromoting the Liberal Myth
There seems to be a mythology of the liberal cause. The term ‘Liberal’ is used as a noun to describe a secret sect of devil worshipers. The implication is something like this: Liberals meet in secret places, conduct secret rituals, and are the root of the new world order meant to destroy freedom and prosperity. Liberals prefer socialism to capitalism. Liberals prefer dictators to democracy. Liberals want to reward terrorists. Liberals think Labor Unions should run businesses. They are like the Freemasons, except they are more organized and more evil.
23Feb2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Promoting the Liberal Myth | ContinuedThe Future Is Not What It Used To Be
I studied electronics at The Electronics Institute in Kansas City. That was a long time ago. We studied vacuum tubes. Vacuum tube radios and television and radar systems. It was the dawn of the transistor – we talked about transistors in class, and experimented with diodes in building full-wave bridge power supplies. Resonant circuits were […]
12Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Future Is Not What It Used To Be | ContinuedDetroit Bailout – an Ethical Conundrum
This writer has often defined self as being an economic conservative and a social liberal. Normally there is not much conflict in that ideology. I will help my neighbor as long as I don’t have to borrow money in the endeavor. I will not enable my neighbor to continue poor behavior by bailing him out […]
19Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | ContinuedObama Will Govern From The Center
Take a look at Barack Obama’s life. His whole life is about hard work, education, empathy for others, and compromise. Check that last word, compromise. Whatever Obama believes about particular issues, he is all about compromise. Combine compromise with intellect and integrity – and you have a powerful leader. Barack Obama was born to a […]
1Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 11 comments | ContinuedCall Him John the Careless
Thursday, October 30, 2008; Page A23 From the invasion of Iraq to the selection of Sarah Palin, carelessness has characterized recent episodes of faux conservatism. Tuesday’s probable repudiation of the Republican Party will punish characteristics displayed in the campaign’s closing days. Some polls show that Palin has become an even heavier weight in John McCain’s […]
30Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Call Him John the Careless | ContinuedThe Blurry View Of Barack Obama’s Religion
Barack Obama has said, many times and in no uncertain terms, “I am a Christian.” He has been on the cover of Sojourner’d magazine, a Christian publication. His former pastor, The Reverend Jeremiah Wright, was in the spotlight for some unseemly comments about patriotism (among other things), but Reverend Wright was clearly a Christian preacher. […]
29Oct2008 | bryan | 2 comments | ContinuedTell Me I Am Not Conservative
Yikes – someone called me a conservative, how disgusting. I said something about living within our means and the guy in the checkout line at Wal Mart called me a conservative – as if there was something wrong with me. He was buying some tabloid magazines – I don’t know if that means he is […]
28Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | ContinuedMcCain Has Become Irrelevant
John McCain is speaking as we type this post. McCain is presenting his new economic plan. The fourth or fifth iteration in the past three weeks. No one is listening because we all know that in two days, or a week, McCain will have a new and different proposal. McCain is playing to the polls […]
14Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on McCain Has Become Irrelevant | ContinuedGreatest Generation – And Neocons.
Our father was a veteran of World War II. He came home with four Bronze Stars and a Purple Heart, never to speak of his experience. He kept his silence until his death at age eighty-five. He did not talk about the atrocities of war because the memories were too painful. As America entered other […]
10Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 3 comments | ContinuedObama and the Christian Right
The conservative media and christian right refers to “The Liberal Blogosphere” and the “Liberal Media” and the “Liberal Internet.” We looked around the internet and found these clips attacking Obama. According to these folks Obama is anti-christian, the anti-Christ, a Muslim, and anything else they can think of. This writer believes the Bible is not […]
7Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | ContinuedConservatives of 2008 – Raping and Pillaging
Something is way out of whack in the logic of the Conservatives of 2008. The logic is guilt or honor by association. The logic goes something like this: “I believe in Jesus and I believe we should drill for more oil in our backyard.” Thus given that Jesus is a solid belief it follows that […]
2Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 8 comments | ContinuedDichotomies of Political Philosophy
We live in a world of politics – but politics creates strange bedfellows. The Republican nominee for President, John McCain, is about to pick Alaska Governor Sarah Palin for the Vice President spot on the ticket. What a strange turn of events. Governor Palin is a fierce conservative – and that creates a real dichotomy […]
29Aug2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Dichotomies of Political Philosophy | ContinuedWilliam F. Buckley- dead, but not gone
Son, The country has lost one of the great minds of the 20th Century. William F. Buckley has died. Mr. Buckley was a prolific writer, journalist, commentator, debate host, and educator. I remember about twenty years ago, before laptops were functional, Buckey reported that he had eight computers. One for everywhere he would find himself […]
27Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | ContinuedHuckabee Speaks on Super Tuesday
Son, Mike Huckabee is talking on television. I’ll try to capture the essence. “A lot of folks are trying to say this is a two man race. It is, and we are in it!” “Thanks to Arkansas where we have a wonderful victory here at home. Thanks to the incredible people who believed in us… […]
6Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Huckabee Speaks on Super Tuesday | ContinuedConservatives support Romney – Go Figure
Son, Mitt Romney is the guy who has changed most of his political positions to run for President. Conservative, by definition, does not like change – Go Figure! He did not like Ronald Reagan. He supported a woman’s right to choose. He raised taxes. He supported State sponsored health care. He shot a rabbit one […]
6Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Conservatives support Romney – Go Figure | ContinuedEvangelicals, Legions of Christ?
Son, The evangelicals of America present themselves as the legions of Christ, marching as to war. Ready to sacrifice for their Lord and Savior. Well, who are evangelicals? Some say the are THE witness for Jehovah. Some say they are Saints of the Latter Days. Others claim they immerse themselves in the water of baptism […]
6Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Evangelicals, Legions of Christ? | ContinuedHuckabee uspsets the apple cart
Son, The conservative talk radio jabber has been all about how McCain is not conservative enough. Vote for Romney they said. Wee – their strategy is only half working. The conservative voters are supporting Huckabee. If the trends continue we will have a three man race in the Republican Party. I am happy for […]
6Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Huckabee uspsets the apple cart | ContinuedAnn Coulter, McCain, Hannity, Clinton
Son, Putting those four names in the title seemed strange to me. Probably because I just watched a video of Ann Coulter on the Hannity Dominates Colmes Show. Ms. Coulter has stated publicly that she will Support Hillary Clinton if John McCain is the Republican nominee. She won’t. This is just another example of how […]
1Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | ContinuedThe John McCain Shelter for Abused Conservatives
John McCain has brought sanity back into the Republican Party. McCain is the realistic optimist of Ronald Reagan. The Reagan Revolution has been hijacked by abusive personalities who hope only for power and control. When an abused spouse cries out for help we provide an Abuse Shelter. We provide a place of sanctuary. We provide […]
31Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 4 comments | ContinuedBoring Republicans run a 1994 Campaign
Son, Much of the media attention is given to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Why is that? Fox news would say it is because the media is too liberal. If the Republicans would ever say anything new perhaps they would be in the news. My notion is that the Republicans are so darn boring. Listen […]
29Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | ContinuedGeorge Will – hold your conservative horses
Son, I like to read George Will’s column. I love the way he uses words; he is a true craftsman in the art of writing. His intellect is obvious. And I almost never agree with his message. His column of today, Sunday, October 21, is especially lost in his attempt to attack liberals. Mr. Will […]
21Oct2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | ContinuedAl Gore or Gandhi?
Dad, Like all of his other supporters, I would like to congratulate Al Gore on winning the Nobel Peace Prize. He has big shoes to fill. On February 2, 1977, Jimmy Carter addressed the nation in a cardigan sweater and asked us all to do our part and turn down our thermostat and wear a […]
12Oct2007 | bryan | 2 comments | Continued