All Posts Tagged With: "conspiracy theory"

Why Fear Matters
Al Quaeda, the terrorist organization founded and run by Osama Bin Laden, has set the standard of values for many of the radical right wing in America. Do unto others as they have done unto you seems the common refrain – a refrain based in fear. This is a remarkable mentality given two precepts […]
25Mar2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 7 comments | Continued
Real ID’s: Why Are We Frustrated With Government
Modern government is a real enigma. We all agree that we need government, but we all want “the gov’ment” to leave us alone. In many ways conservative and liberals are alike – no one wants big brother government – but everyone wants equality and protection. Everyone hates bureaucracy – but everyone also has their pet […]
20May2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued