All Posts Tagged With: "correspondents"

More Bush Humor
Son, The American People are going to miss George W. Bush. This Presidency has been the source of some really fine humor. Here are a couple of videos. This is a play on the Abbott and Costello ‘Who’s on First’ routine: [wp_youtube]NymAL4_okyQ[/wp_youtube] Here is that great Bush impersonator on Comedy Central with Jeff Foxworthy: [wp_youtube]x-2c6GTXoHE[/wp_youtube] […]
22Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on More Bush Humor | Continued
Laura Bush reacts to Colbert – “Get F……”
Son, What did Laura Bush say to Colbert after his presentation at the White House Correspondents Dinner in April of 2008? Well – different people heard different things. Check out this video. [wp_youtube]bk5ynzxTo9Y[/wp_youtube] Dad
22Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Laura Bush reacts to Colbert – “Get F……” | Continued
Bush reacts to Steven Colbert
Son, On April 29, 2008, Steven Colbert was a guest at the White House correspondents dinner. The ABC news cameras focused on President George Bush during Colbert’s presentation. He does not seem happy. My take is that Steven Colbert is a little overboard. It strikes me that the President of the United States would grow […]
22Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Bush reacts to Steven Colbert | Continued