All Posts Tagged With: "corruption"

United Way – agency corruption
This writer is a big supporter of the concept of United Way – with skepticism for the actual practice. The concept is simple – there are many social service agencies in all communities that compete for the limited local dollars available. The idea of the United Way was to eliminate all of the individual fund […]
25Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 14 comments | Continued
The Real McCain – The Keating Five
John McCain has desperately floundered this week to adopt a meaningful policy to deal with the economy. He changes his position two or three times every day. As if this were not enough to violate our trust, his entire history is one of catering to exactly the sort of people who have crashed Wall Street. […]
20Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Real McCain – The Keating Five | Continued
United Way – A Sacred Cow
Son, The United Way is a great idea. Who would not want to be united in the way we treat our fellow man? The problem with the concept lies in longevity – after forty years the United Way has become a Sacred Cow and locals who administer the money are afraid to challenge impropriety. Even […]
27Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on United Way – A Sacred Cow | Continued
how debt, spirituality, and corruption are shaping our conversations…
Dad, This format, the fireside, is a wonderful way for us to have the kinds of conversations that we have always had. We meander through subjects, we get excited and passionate, and we have small talk and sometimes just take a nap. The difference that we are running in to here is that the format […]
5Oct2007 | bryan | Comments Off on how debt, spirituality, and corruption are shaping our conversations… | Continued