All Posts Tagged With: "country"

New Congressional By-laws To Change Government Process
Just about everyone in the United States agrees that there is a problem in Washington, D. C. Some blame the Democrats, some the Republicans. Some blame liberals, some conservatives. Anyone placing this sort of blame is a part of the problem. What the partisans fail to realize is that we are all on the same […]
19May2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Palin – Everything That Is Wrong With America
Sarah Palin is on the airways. Most notably defending herself against accusations of incompetence by ‘anonymous’ members of the John McCain Campaign staff. With tags like diva and whack job, Palin took some personal hits. If Palin is the future of the Republican Party – then the future of the Republican Party is in deep […]
4Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 48 comments | Continued
Rednecks for Obama
We live in Missouri, rural Missouri. Down the road a piece, just over the hill and down through the holler, rests the country store. The folks like to sit around the pot belly stove and yack a bit. They only fire up the stove in the winter, but it is a comfort just to have […]
21Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 59 comments | Continued
Obama, Kennedy, Lincoln, Jefferson
Great men. Men of honor, of words. Words do matter, and these four, Obama, Kennedy, Lincoln, and Jefferson demonstrate the point. We in America are blessed that men who commanded words also commanded the birth of this nation. “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” […]
20Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Obama, Kennedy, Lincoln, Jefferson | Continued
Hunter Hayes – 4 year old sings Jambalaya
Son, Hank Williams Jr. discovered a great talent in the four year old Hunter Hayes. Listen to this rendition of Jambalaya. I could not help sharing this – it is just too good. And here is the original by the original Hank Williams. [wp_youtube]hOlYKNIiooQ[/wp_youtube] This is just too much fun. And I am no fan […]
2Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Hunter Hayes – 4 year old sings Jambalaya | Continued
What Distinguishes America from other Countries
Son, You and I are honored to live in the greatest country in all of human history – and even pre-history, if I may be so bold. This is a common refrain in this time of Presidential elections – but is there truth to the statement? I believe there is. If there is truth – […]
18Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on What Distinguishes America from other Countries | Continued