All Posts Tagged With: "crime"

Drug Court – Systemically Flawed
A quick check of the court briefs in the local newspaper gives startling evidence of losing the war on drugs. The paper reported six people sentenced to prison – all for drug charges – five methamphetamine and one cocaine. We are talking about rural northwest Missouri. The first Drug Court was established in Dade County […]
21Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
John McCain and Coercive Diplomacy
The United States is winding down on another ill conceived War. Vietnam taught some lessons about getting into an open ended war with no clear definition of success. The first Gulf War seemed to alleviate any lingering concerns Vietnam might have created. Superior technology, overwhelming force, and arrogant diplomacy replaced professional statesmanship. John McCain is […]
7Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on John McCain and Coercive Diplomacy | Continued
Wall Street Terrorizes America
Osama Bin Laden, who remains free, launched four planes at American’s financial and military structure on September 11, 2001. Bush reacted and has weakened our military. The Republicans reacted and eliminated regulations on Mortgage Banks and Investment Banks. Then the American Terrorists took over. The Stock Market has dropped more this week than at any […]
18Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
McCain, “My Friends, trust me”
McCain wants the people to trust him. We are nauseated every time we hear McCain use the term ‘my friends,’ he wears it out. He suggests he is your friend – but we should all check the value of or 401k’s today. That is the true measure of how much the Republican brand is your […]
17Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Roger Clemens on Steroids
Son, I live in the Kansas City area – so that might tell knowing sports fans what I think of Major League Baseball. But the Royals aside – there is something terribly wrong in Baseball. The use of steroids by some players is now evident. Several have been tested and found positive. Several have come […]
13Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Roger Clemens on Steroids | Continued
Nebraska Mall Shooting
Son, Another tragedy in America, this time in Nebraska. A nineteen-year-young man walked into a mall with his step-father’s assault rifle and killed eight people before killing himself. The young man had a troubled life; the state estimated that it had invested $265,000 on his previous ‘treatment.’ This is not the first troubled youth to […]
9Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Nebraska Mall Shooting | Continued