All Posts Tagged With: "David"

Thanksgiving Camp David-style
by Mark Silva Free-Range Roast Turkey. Cornbread Dressing. Cranberry Sauce. Sautéed Green Beans Morelia Style Gazpacho with Spinach Salad. It’s the Gazpacho that gives it away: These are the fixin’s for the Thanksgiving table today at Camp David, where President Bush has retreated with his family for the holiday. An overcast, wintry pall settled over […]
27Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Thanksgiving Camp David-style | Continued
David Brooks Admits Defeat, For Now
By David Brooks As the election came to a close, I wrote a story about the dismal aftermath for the GOP: A leaderless party, a battered brand, an issue set that seems outmoded, an abandonment of bedrock principles, etc. The list goes on, and depending on which Republican you are talking to rather varied. On […]
11Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on David Brooks Admits Defeat, For Now | Continued
Brigham Young, Jim Jones, Rush Limbaugh
There is evidence throughout history that desperate people will follow just about anybody. Generally the numbers do not reflect the majority. Generally the numbers are quite small in proportion to the whole. That was the case with the Mormon cult, it was the case with the Jim Jones cult, and it is the truth with […]
24Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
The Obama Mystique
MSNBC’s David Gregory is doing well on his new program. What is inside the Obama mystique, he asks: His panel answers:
3Apr2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Obama Mystique | Continued
Raymond Crowe does Louis Armstrong
Raymond Crowe is a shadow puppeteer from Australia. The idea seems trite – but trite in the hands of a master changes perspective. This shadowy rendition of Louis Armstrong is perfectly executed. Performed on David Letterman, Crowe demonstrates artistic integrity with light and shadow. Enjoy the video.
2Mar2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Raymond Crowe does Louis Armstrong | Continued
Pimpep by David Shuster and MSNBC
Son, MSNBC has reached a new low in political reporting. David Shuster referred to Chelsea Clinton being “pimped out” by the Clinton campaign. He offered a Chris Matthews sort of apology on Morning Joe this morning. Like Chris Matthews – it was a non- apology. MSNBC has consistently attacked the Clinton campaign. Matthews has been […]
9Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 3 comments | Continued