All Posts Tagged With: "devil"

The Sick, Pathetic, Right Wing Leadership and the disaster in Haiti
Pat Robertson has been a leader of the right wing ‘conservatives’ for many many years. He has even run for President. I live in Punkin Center, Missouri – so I know a few right wing nut cases. When Robertson ran for President one of the local wackos said, “Wait till they find out he went […]
14Jan2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
“…Anger Can Blind Human Vision…” – Malcolm X
The Elijah Muhammad’s of 21st Century America are found in the right wing radio personalities and in the fringe of the Republican Party. People like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter, and the entire FOX media system. These are people who use distortion of reality to ferment, distill, and bottle the anger of misguided masses. They sell their potions of angry snake oil from the backs of their wagons every day. They have but one target – any form of civil progress as debated and negotiated by our representative Government.
7Aug2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 4 comments | Continued
Ann Coulter – a study in journalism
One of our readers recommended that I read some Ann Coulter. Not one to dismiss our readers outright, I found this intriguing documentary by SuperNews. The depth of study is reflected in the Ann Coulter-like bibliography. Ms. Coulter thinks of herself as a professional journalist – and who in the mainstream media today has the […]
2May2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
The Mormon Bible – and Mitt Romney
Son, Mitt Romney has said that he will ‘put his hand on the Bible” and take the oath of office. My question is simple, which Bible is he going to put his hand on? I think it is a fair question – he is taking an oath to defend you and me, your children and […]
7Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | 6 comments | Continued