All Posts Tagged With: "distortions"

Health Care Distortions by Conservatives
The Conservatives For Patients Rights (CPR) proudly defines four ‘pillars of patient’s rights.’ These rights are: Choice, Competition, Accountability, and Personal Responsibility. This group defines the basic application of these rights in the following video. We do not disagree with the four principles, but we take exception to the interpretation. Watch the video and we […]
17May2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Rovians From The Planet Bushanus
They are finally being arrested, secured, immobilized. They come from the planet Bushanus and are called Rovians. Rovians live in the bowels of humanity, infecting civilized people with flu like symptoms. We wander through the news cycle, feeling nauseated, faint-hearted, and dismayed. Some suffer lethal effects, others are carriers. They came to this planet about […]
5Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Rovians From The Planet Bushanus | Continued