All Posts Tagged With: "dysfunction"

Comments on Co-Dependency – From a Friend’s Facebook Post
(Update for clarification on May 26, 2014. We recently heard a long time member of Al-Anon, the support program for family and friends of alcoholics, comment that she is not co-dependent. She said that she can be a bitch with or without the alcoholic. The point is that co-dependency is a therapeutic term – not […]
15Aug2013 | Gary Clark | 2 comments | Continued
Youth Violence – Not Just Fight or Flight
Mark Twain used youth violence as a humorous anecdote necessary to the maturing process of young boys. In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer two boys (one is Tom) confront each other on the street; they taunt, tease, dare, and then scuffle. Tom is victorious when the other boy cries ’nuff!’ Not one sociologist at the time raised a stink about Twain’s portrayal of youth violence.
22Aug2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 3 comments | Continued
Thoughts On Original Sin
Some Jungian analysts suggest that original sin relates to family of origin.The idea is in order to be ‘saved’ from the original sin one must escape the dysfunction of one’s family of origin. Original ‘sin,’ as defined by theologians, takes many different forms. We are born with the sin of Adam, for instance. Or we […]
25Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued