All Posts Tagged With: "emotion"

Alcohol is Not a Truth Serum
My volunteer work takes me to the front lines of the war on addiction. Yesterday I was quietly minding my own business, in a place known for alcoholism traffic, when a staggering drunk passed by. Ron was a happy drunk. He laughed when he told the obvious, “I’m pretty drunk”. Personally, I don’t believe anyone […]
26Jul2013 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on Alcohol is Not a Truth Serum | Continued
Tragic Leaps of Emotional Logic
There is something terribly wrong in our country. Leaps of logic are flying in random patterns of chaos. The other day there was a letter to the editor in our local paper that stated emphatically that Barack Obama is a Muslim – the evidence, Obama’s middle name and his father was from Africa. What is […]
31Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 4 comments | Continued
NY Giants – the surge is working
Son, I was flipping through the channels on television a few minutes ago. I paused for a second on ESPN and heard “New York Giants.” I hit the channel button and immediately heard John McCain saying, “The surge is working…” So what I heard was “New York Giants – the surge is working.” Well, that […]
3Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on NY Giants – the surge is working | Continued