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All Posts Tagged With: "entertainment"

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How I Entertain Myself Easily

February 10, 2022/February 10, 2025 There was once a time when I was so very engrossed in a novel. I was taken away to another life, another time, totally absorbed in the dramatic events of the fictional lives of characters I had come to love. When the end of the story came (as it always […]

10Feb2025 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Duck Dynasty – When Rednecks Are No Longer Funny

You might be a redneck if you go to family reunions looking for girls.  Pretty funny stuff right there.  God forgive me.  Duck Dynasty is a reality show airing on A&E.  The premise is simple – some rednecks living in the swamplands of Louisiana became rich selling hand wrought Duck calls.  But, alas, they remain […]

25Dec2013 | | Comments Off on Duck Dynasty – When Rednecks Are No Longer Funny | Continued
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The Curious Case of Nadya Suleman – Octo-Mom

Is Nadya Suleman crazy, or what? She had six children by in-vitro fertilization, then had a whole bunch of frozen embryos implanted, resulting in eight babies at one birth. She now has fourteen children. She has no husband and no job. She lives with her mother in a home that is about to be foreclosed. Is she crazy, or what? This is a case of immaturity meeting Dr. Frankenstein.

25Feb2009 | | 5 comments | Continued
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Art, Craft, Capitalism, and Pirating

Pirates! Who are they? Johnny Depp has redefined the genre with Captain Jack Sparrow. This portrayal is entertaining for sure – but not necessarily accurate. Pirating is about selfish intentional plunder, it is about seeking out treasure possessed by others and taking possession of the treasure by any means possible. The modern entertainment industry has […]

7May2008 | | Comments Off on Art, Craft, Capitalism, and Pirating | Continued
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John Wayne talks about America

Son, When I was growing up John Wayne was the great American Hero. He embodied everything that it was to be a real man, to be a real patriot, to have honor and to honor tradition.  Who are the heroes of today’s youth? [wp_youtube]nrjn26EE2bs[/wp_youtube] John Wayne was replaced by John Lennon. Then Sylvester Stallone and […]

3Feb2008 | | 1 comment | Continued