All Posts Tagged With: "equipment"

Grand Canyon Rafting – National Park Service Orientation Video
Excitement abounds. After a hard year in my life I will wrap up 2012 with a very dear old friend on a 25 day rafting/camping trip down the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon National Park. The trip has a degree of danger so the Park Rangers require an orientation – first by video (included […]
25Oct2012 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Grand Canyon Rafting – National Park Service Orientation Video | Continued
Mac Air – limitations of I/O, where are the peripherals?
Son, The world of computing is reaching some human limits. My fingers cannot get smaller, my eyeballs cannot see smaller, I cannot speak with more clarity. The limitations of technology are the limitations of human interaction with technology. Steve Jobs has introduced a very thin laptop – I think he called it the Mac Air. […]
24Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued