All Posts Tagged With: "ethics"

Intellectual VS Emotional Struggle With Death Penalty
I am not a great intellectual liberal – just an average intellect liberal. I try to understand issues at practical and ethical perspectives. For instance, it is unethical to bomb cities – but I agree that Harry Truman was right to use the A-Bomb for extremely practical reasons – he avoided the imminent invasion of […]
23Apr2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
U. S. Government Has Higher Ethical Standards Than Catholic Church
One time in the history of our country a President had to resign. He was caught covering up for some dim-witted burglars working on his election team. Just imagine that the President had been covering for hundreds of staffers who were molesting young boys. The United States Government has higher ethical standards than the Catholic […]
29Mar2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on U. S. Government Has Higher Ethical Standards Than Catholic Church | Continued
The Curious Case of Nadya Suleman – Octo-Mom
Is Nadya Suleman crazy, or what? She had six children by in-vitro fertilization, then had a whole bunch of frozen embryos implanted, resulting in eight babies at one birth. She now has fourteen children. She has no husband and no job. She lives with her mother in a home that is about to be foreclosed. Is she crazy, or what? This is a case of immaturity meeting Dr. Frankenstein.
25Feb2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 5 comments | Continued
Bread or Circus Journalism
Bread sustains our lives, while circus entertains. We stand at the precipice of change in journalism – debating the choices of bread or circus. There have not yet been any Pulitzer Prices awarded for blogging – and this writer does not see this happening in the near future. Pulitizer Prizes in journalism are reserved for […]
7Jan2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
A Conflict of Ethics
All of us have ethics. We may not think consciously about them – but we have them. Sometimes these ethics are in conflict with each other – when that happens we find Hamlet, struggling with self doubt, pondering, “To be or not to be?” Ethics do not follow a smooth continuum of linear progression, with […]
6Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on A Conflict of Ethics | Continued
Ethics in Journalism – Blogging
Blogging is writing on the edge of the cliff. Blogging is a perilous business. Blogger can write anything they want – but if bloggers want to attract regular readers and build a following – they should follow some code of ethics. Even aside from any commercial or egotistical success – as members of the civilized […]
6Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Ethics in Journalism – Blogging | Continued
Ethics in Journalism – Act Independently
Is Opinion different than reporting news – certainly. The Fireside Post is all about opinion – and we clarify our bias in “Who Are These Guys.” In terms of ‘acting independently’ we are the champions. We have no affiliations other than the United Methodist Church – and only one of us participates there. What might […]
6Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Ethics in Journalism – Act Independently | Continued
Ethics In Journalism – Minimize Harm
Journalism on the internet has corrupted the world of reporting. The Fireside Post is an opinion magazine, with our bias clearly stated in “Who Are These Guys.” Even admitting we are about opinion does not excuse us from having some ethical boundaries. This is the second post in a series examining journalistic ethics. We will […]
5Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Ethics In Journalism – Minimize Harm | Continued
Ethics in Journalism – Seek Truth
The internet has thrown the world of journalism off balance. The reality today is that anyone can be their own publisher and editor. The Society of Professional Journalists have a code of ethics. These ethics are the definition of right and wrong in reporting news. The Fireside Post is doing a series on ethics in […]
5Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Ethics in Journalism – Seek Truth | Continued
Subliminal Bush
In a previous post here on The Fireside, we mentioned the press conference with the President where he discussed WWIII in the context of Iran. I thought it might be beneficial to see the clip for ourselves: [wp_youtube]94LtRZ3urWY&feature=related[/wp_youtube] “I take the threat of Iran with a nuclear weapon very seriously.” I guess that would account […]
26Sep2008 | bryan | 6 comments | Continued
hunting for the ethical purchase
As consumers, we vote with our pocketbook. There is plenty of complaining about the impact of Wal-Mart, but they are winning the campaign of the free market because they they are, in fact, cheap. Everyone loves a bargain, and these days the way to get one is to invest your time and money into supporting […]
2Apr2008 | bryan | Comments Off on hunting for the ethical purchase | Continued
Rush Limbaugh – the need for acceptance
Son, The human condition of social acceptance has overridden basic moral values. For centuries governments, churches, and the literary/art community have served to help define a set of moral standards, to articulate them, to promote the clarity of civilized man. There is purpose. As social creatures by nature and nurture, we all have a need […]
20Oct2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Rush Limbaugh – the need for acceptance | Continued
Excellent Blogging
Son, So we have been talking, and I wrote a post this morning, about where to take our blog. It occurred to me that we should be aware of fundamentals of excellence in whatever we do. Last summer (2006) I attended the National Rural Institute on Alcohol and Drug Abuse at the University of Wisconsin […]
19Oct2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Excellent Blogging | Continued
Blogging Ethics – Internet Ethics
Son, Historically, the common denominator of civilized man has been the rule of law. Without law we have anarchy. Without law we have chaos. Without law it is every man for himself. The internet is governed only by the laws or limitations of technology. The internet is a vast and open frontier. People like to […]
18Oct2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Al Gore or Gandhi?
Dad, Like all of his other supporters, I would like to congratulate Al Gore on winning the Nobel Peace Prize. He has big shoes to fill. On February 2, 1977, Jimmy Carter addressed the nation in a cardigan sweater and asked us all to do our part and turn down our thermostat and wear a […]
12Oct2007 | bryan | 2 comments | Continued
Al Gore – Ozone Man
Son, The sweet smell of vindication. Time will ultimately tell the truth. Al Gore has been awarded the Nobel Prize for his lifetime achievement in bringing the issue of Global Warming to the attention of humanity. In 1992 Al Gore was a Vice Presidential Candidate, running with Bill Clinton on the Democratic ticket. They were […]
12Oct2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Al Gore – Ozone Man | Continued