All Posts Tagged With: "experience"

Choosing the Right Coffee House
To get started in finding the right experience with coffee, you have to choose a coffee house. This is important because there are a lot of coffee houses out there that are expensive and cushy, but do not fall into the “micro-brew” coffee house category. Micro-brew coffee shops will roast their own coffees on the […]
21Feb2013 | bryan | 1 comment | Continued
Choosing the right coffee drink
The owner of the coffee shop where I worked was a stickler for quality, and I worked with him for over two years. There were customers in our store that came to our location because I was working, trusting that my skill with steamed milk and my knowledge of espresso would come together in a […]
9Feb2013 | bryan | 6 comments | Continued
An Intro to the American Coffee House
From the truck stop burners to the gourmet air pots of the local coffee shop to the drive through of the Starbucks on the way to work, coffee dispensing has become more American than preemptive strikes. Coffee has been around. It is nothing new, really. It is not even a product of American culture. In […]
8Oct2008 | bryan | 1 comment | Continued
Coffee and the American Gourmet Experience
Coffee is in the news. There is a lot of talk about providing a gourmet experience for consumers. McDonald’s is the latest to join the coffee experience bandwagon. Discretionary income is down, but the enjoyment of coffee continues to proliferate. The inherent problem here is that we are seeking an experience with coffee, as in […]
7Oct2008 | bryan | 3 comments | Continued
Speaking of Experience
Experience is a fascinating topic, given the Presidential election of 2008. This writer thinks it is reasonable to assume that none of the Founding Fathers had experience in Washington D. C. Some of our greatest Presidents had little experience, including Lincoln, T. R. Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson. Richard Nixon had a mere four years as […]
3Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Speaking of Experience | Continued
Kennedys endorse Obama – so what?
Son, There is an old axiom in local politics, “When someone or some group endorses you, you get all of their enemies and none of their friends.” Is this true? What can an endorsement by Ted Kennedy add to Mr. Obama’s candidacy. This is important on a couple of notes. Senator Kennedy has as many […]
27Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Kennedys endorse Obama – so what? | Continued
Ron Paul and inexperienced voters
Son, You gotta give it to Ron Paul – or someone should. We are seeing huge voter turnout in Iowa and New Hampshire. What does that mean? It means that even apathetic folks who have not participated in years are so disgusted with George Bush that they will bother to come out to vote. The […]
9Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
The Fresh Innocence of Obama
Son, What is it about Obama that has stirred the populace. Certainly he is young and handsome and well spoken. He is charming and he understands how to draw the crowd in. But the other candidates continue to point out his relative inexperience. My notion is that the other candidates inadvertently promote him in a […]
9Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Fresh Innocence of Obama | Continued
Leader or Expert – Choosing a President
Son, Mitt Romney claims that leadership is more important than expertise on topic. “They are looking for judgment, wisdom, willingness to reach out to others, gaining the right information to make choices… Instead of asking who has the most expertise we should be asking who has the most executive leadership experience…. ” Very interesting points. […]
7Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 3 comments | Continued
Finding Acceptance – The Beginnings of Discrimination
Son, Four year old children see the world as we do – but they do not have the same life experience. She goes to school and feels the nuances of acceptance and rejection. We are inherently social creatures and have a need for acceptance in a group. This need fits the category of survival instincts. […]
8Sep2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Finding Acceptance – The Beginnings of Discrimination | Continued