All Posts Tagged With: "Family"
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From Abduction to Glorious Survival
(Written originally) July 25, 2017 From my Father’s ancestral line I have 5 times, Great Grandfather John Cooke II born June 28, 1752. He, along with Eleanor “Nellie” Goodall (his future wife) born April 6, 1756, were kidnapped from London as young teens, with a promise of a fun day aboard a ship sailing down […]
25Jul2024 | Nancy Belle | 1 comment | Continued![post thumbnail](
When I Was Just a Little Girl
Originally WrittenFebruary 17, 2015 When I was just a little girl I asked my mother, what will I be Will I be pretty, will I be rich Here’s what she said to me…. Que Sera, Sera, Whatever will be, will be The future’s not ours, to see Que Sera, Sera What will be, will be […]
17Feb2024 | Nancy Belle | 0 comments | Continued![post thumbnail](
There’s Moving and Then There is MOVING
There’s Moving and Then There’s ‘MOVING’ Started; June 22,2021, Finished; December 9, 2023 A friend recently told me that statistically most people move about 10 or 11 times in their lifetime. Wow! Once I started to put the facts together, there was no doubt I had that beat by over a mile. I was born […]
9Dec2023 | Nancy Belle | 0 comments | Continued![post thumbnail](
A Sketch or Memorandom of Old Mr Thomas Capps
Just a small microcosm of my paternal family history. Only wish it was also audio.
15Apr2022 | Nancy Belle | 0 comments | Continued![post thumbnail](
Illegal Immigrants and How to Not To Do Anything About It
I am a hoarder of information, documents, letters, email, etc. Today I was forced to dig into the my archives for information someone wants, someone who had it, but didn’t take care of it. Any who I digress. While digging into the ramparts of my OLD emails, I found this little gem, from May of […]
28Jun2018 | Nancy Belle | 0 comments | Continued![post thumbnail](
Free Ranging Kids
The Clark Station on Mitchell, this was ‘Our Gangs’ pit stop on the way home from playing at Devil’s Backbone. My cousins and I would spend the day playing dirt clod war at ‘Bird Heaven’ or playing at mountain climbing on the 12th street side or sliding down the grassy steep hill on cardboard or […]
10Jun2018 | Nancy Belle | 2 comments | Continued![post thumbnail](
Scapegoat Politics…
Just some things rattling in my head this morning…. Today I see headlines about Marco Rubio being booed at a gathering to discuss the recent school shooting. Booed and pinned down to say yay or nay to the NRA, pinned down to say guns were responsible for the recent and past shootings. This is disturbing. […]
22Feb2018 | Nancy Belle | 1 comment | Continued![post thumbnail](
Why? It’s More Than Guns
I don’t mean to disparage the intent of the Florida survivors who are now passionately pounding the anti-gun message. Yet, immediately after the shooting, I saw and heard several young people who claimed to know the shooter. They, with disdain in their voices, described a person who was off, didn’t fit in, was a juvenile […]
21Feb2018 | Nancy Belle | 1 comment | Continued![post thumbnail](
Family As A Barometer – The Highs and Lows of Life
Most of us do not like to talk publicly about our families. When we do we are praising someone for a public accomplishment, like being on the honor role at school or getting a promotion at work. The underbelly of family life generally is taboo. And why not? It is nobody’s business what our family […]
1Feb2018 | Thomas Franklin | 1 comment | Continued![post thumbnail](
Almost a Certainty
William Merritt Scotton, Sr. and Genevieve (Clark) Scotton, were married Wednesday, August 24, 1938 in St. Joseph, MO. She was a few months from 18 years and he was a couple of months into 21 years. They met by chance because he and Dorothy Castile were cousins and Genevieve and Dorothy were best friends. Merritt […]
23Jan2018 | Nancy Belle | 0 comments | Continued![post thumbnail](
Equality Is Not Tangible
I am all for equality between the sexes. Always have been, I guess. As a Baby Boomer, I have seen a whole lot of it not being that way. Equality is easily defined on paper and somehow in life it gets spread out, the lines get blurred and more difficult to find the easy divisions […]
16Nov2017 | Nancy Belle | 0 comments | Continued![post thumbnail](
It’s a Cat’s Life
I have a barn/porch cat, her name is Skeeter aka Trouble, who would dearly love to be an indoor/outdoor cat. Especially on cold days, 60 degrees appears to be her cue to want in. She is in this predicament, because after being in the house for several months, or a year, I forget, she became […]
10Sep2017 | Nancy Belle | 0 comments | Continued![post thumbnail](
A 1964 Christmas Story
It was 1964. Life hadn’t been great. This particular year had been mostly a nightmare. My Mother and Stepfather had separated. Finances were next to non-existent. Me being able to attend school became a burden for my Mother. At only fifteen, I was resigned to possibly, never finishing high school. I was the oldest of, […]
12Dec2016 | Nancy Belle | 1 comment | Continued![post thumbnail](
My Curiosity Defeats My Timidity
As the title eludes, I like to think I have a defense from fear. Many long years ago, my eldest son was about three. Our yard was fenced in and the best place for him and his sister to be in the summer. Our house was not air-conditioned. This particular day I was visiting with […]
28May2016 | Nancy Belle | 0 comments | Continued![post thumbnail](
A Vet on Jules Street
From a facebook post by my Brother’s son: A Vet on Jules Street (A haibun) It seems like an odd duality really, in regards to time. Memory can do this. I’m taken back to when I was a boy sitting on my Grandparent’s front porch on Jules Street; so many years ago, but just yesterday. […]
23May2016 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued![post thumbnail](
Sadness, Depression, Grief, The Deep Struggles of Life
Let’s get personal about the issues of sadness, depression, and grief. I can see these things playing out in my family – my parents, siblings, in-laws, my children, my nieces and nephews. These sensations are not all-or-nothing. There seem to be degrees of sadness, a continum. My personal life has covered the spectrum. I believe […]
17May2016 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued![post thumbnail](
Karma and Life Lessons
Shorthand, I know what it is, but can’t read it. Many years ago at Lowy Enterprises. I received a promotion to work with Dave in Accounts Receivable. At high school I refused typing and shorthand because I didn’t plan on being any man’s secretary, Hah. So, one of my new jobs was to take dictation […]
5Apr2016 | Nancy Belle | 1 comment | Continued![post thumbnail](
Perceptions and Homemade Bread
Before I get much further, I just want to say this is not, a crying in your beer or milk, sob story of a life in poverty. Now that’s out of the way and here we go. I am the second child of the nine children my mother gave birth to. If my mother was […]
4Oct2015 | Nancy Belle | 1 comment | Continued![post thumbnail](
Emotional Disturbances of a Friend
My friend is having emotional disturbances in his live – again. I recognize this as his problem – but still I feel sadness. He has lost his family over bitter disagreements about child raising. He attends a therapy group where he can talk about what happened. He reports his findings. There are several in the […]
28Jul2014 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Emotional Disturbances of a Friend | Continued![post thumbnail](
Faith or Ideology – Checking Personal Morality
This guy “Francis, Pope” made some comments recently regarding Christian ideology. He must be famous or something because the internet is frying cables in dispensing his remarks. Who he is is not as important was what he said. I believe that words and ideas stand alone, regardless of who conjured them. Mr. Francis said something […]
10Dec2013 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on Faith or Ideology – Checking Personal Morality | Continued![post thumbnail](
The Oddities of Genius
Have you ever known a genius? Genius is usually a word used to describe certain traits of intelligence. We might say a genius has a passion for learning and has unique processing capabilities. They generally show a creativity and intelligence beyond their peers. Some definitions are more fixed or measurable, like the score on an […]
15Jun2013 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on The Oddities of Genius | Continued![post thumbnail](
Old Women Talk and Gay Marriage
My mother is eighty-five years old. She has been living alone the past two months after my father, her husband of sixty-three years, passed away. She asked me to help refinish her dining room table – and what are you gonna’ do? So I sanded and polished while she sat and talked. I was surprised […]
7May2012 | Ohg Rea Tone | 8 comments | Continued![post thumbnail](
Trayvon and Black on Black Violence
NOTE TO READERS: This post originally contained a racist cartoon image at the top right. Some found it offensive and we agreed. We removed the image and apologize for any hurt. The new picture is of HELL – which is where I am going if I don’t change my ways. I have a facebook friend, […]
27Mar2012 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued![post thumbnail](
Schizophrenia – A Family Affair
I am convinced that mental illness permeates my family. There are no diagnosis – no testimonials of counselors or case workers. There is fear. Fear of venturing to ask any questions. Fear of unknown possibilities. Fear of helpless damnation. Families keep secrets because families are ashamed. And that, my friends, is the problem. Ignorance abounds. […]
13Dec2011 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Schizophrenia – A Family Affair | Continued![post thumbnail](
Youth Violence – Not Just Fight or Flight
Mark Twain used youth violence as a humorous anecdote necessary to the maturing process of young boys. In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer two boys (one is Tom) confront each other on the street; they taunt, tease, dare, and then scuffle. Tom is victorious when the other boy cries ’nuff!’ Not one sociologist at the time raised a stink about Twain’s portrayal of youth violence.
22Aug2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 3 comments | Continued![post thumbnail](
Comments on a Life of Chaos
Did you ever know anyone who just seemed to live their life in constant chaos? Most likely. Chaos can become a part of our cultural understanding of the world around us. People raised in chaos often live chaotic lives. Some attempt a life of moderation – but under duress often resort to extreme chaos or […]
28Aug2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Comments on a Life of Chaos | Continued![post thumbnail](
Caring For An Old Dog
Sadie is almost sixteen years old, her birthday is next July. She is beginning to show the inevitable signs of aging. Sadie has moved from the definition of ‘Senior” to something resembling ‘Elderly.’ Watching her age is painful – and presents moral and economic delimas. Sadie is half Schnauzer and half Cocker Spaniel – sort […]
20Feb2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Caring For An Old Dog | Continued![post thumbnail](
The Staying Power of Hannah Montana – and Miley Cyrus
I have written before that I know more about 1521 C.E. Europe than I do about pop culture in America today. But this magazine of ours has prompted me to look around. I even wrote a post on Lindsay Lohan. Hannah Montana’s name came up recently because she was selling out a concert in Kansas […]
11Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued![post thumbnail](
Do What You Do On Purpose
‘I have talked and written at length in articles for this magazine about the lifestyle choices that my wife and I have made for our family, but I feel it would be appropriate to spend some time on why we make those choices. Having a purpose in your decision is as important as the decision […]
10Dec2008 | bryan | 1 comment | Continued![post thumbnail](
The Two Nap Dilemma
My children are in different stages of development. That makes life hard when you are trying to be appropriate with them and maintain your own sanity. My son doesn’t really need two naps during the day. He has been sleeping for about an hour in the morning and for a little over two hours in […]
6Dec2008 | bryan | Comments Off on The Two Nap Dilemma | Continued![post thumbnail](
Thoughts On Original Sin
Some Jungian analysts suggest that original sin relates to family of origin.The idea is in order to be ‘saved’ from the original sin one must escape the dysfunction of one’s family of origin. Original ‘sin,’ as defined by theologians, takes many different forms. We are born with the sin of Adam, for instance. Or we […]
25Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued![post thumbnail](
Wicked – A Garden of Good and Evil
You can’t beat a good story in the hands of a skilled craftsman. Gregory MaGuire has crafted a Fabula story in “Wicked, The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West.” The story has the freshness of spring flowers in a perennial emerald green garden. But this story is not for the faint […]
6Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued![post thumbnail](
Coming to yourself – escaping parental domination
We commented in an earlier post that ‘original sin’ equates with escaping the dysfunction of your family of origin. That includes escaping the domination of parents. Parent are powerful – the most powerful two people a child will ever experience. That is the fundamental triangle of life, Father, Mother, Child. The lens through which we […]
29Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Coming to yourself – escaping parental domination | Continued![post thumbnail](
I am a house-husband, not a space man
I am a house husband. I think that there is still some social barrier within me that creates a stigma around staying at home with the kids. I create my own stigma, I guess, I still feel a little weird when telling people what I do. Its a lot like telling them that I am […]
24Sep2008 | bryan | 6 comments | Continued![post thumbnail](
Being a House-Husband
I am a house-husband. That is, I stay at home with the kids and my wife works full time. We are a non-traditional family, I guess, and it suits me fine most of the time. I get the impression, though, that the pats on the back that I get from people are not always genuine. […]
22Sep2008 | bryan | 2 comments | Continued![post thumbnail](
McCain’s Health Care TAX
Senator John McCain again figures on the lack of sensibility by 51% of the population. He may be right. But we will investigate his Health Care TAX position for laughs. Suppose you are a young family. The husband makes, say forty thousand dollars a year. The wife also works and makes twenty-five thousand dollars a […]
12Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued![post thumbnail](
Joe Biden DNC Speech Text & Video, 8-27-2008
Joe Biden was emotionally introduced by his son Beau. Beau is the Attorney General of the State of Deleware. He is also a Captain in the Army Guard – in a unit that is being activated for duty in Iraq. Beau Biden is on his way to Iraq. Here is the Biden speech: I love […]
28Aug2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Joe Biden DNC Speech Text & Video, 8-27-2008 | Continued![post thumbnail](
Jesus, Lindsay Lohan, and Family
Son, When did Christianity go crazy? History suggests it was about twenty minutes after Jesus returned to heaven. The flirtation with sanity continues, but a reluctant populace defies the message. Reluctant in many ways. “I’ll give you my problems Jesus, but first we have to properly prepare them. Problems are things we have to work […]
19Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Jesus, Lindsay Lohan, and Family | Continued![post thumbnail](
Stimulating economy, stimulating hope
Son, We in this country are on the verge of a recession. I see two realities in this prediction – one is an academic understanding of economics – the other is the real human disaster of poverty and despair. I’ll speak first to economics – it is important to understand some basic principles. A recession […]
24Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued![post thumbnail](
Apartments and Raising Kids
Dad, My wife and I have always lived in an apartment. Apartment life has suited us well, as we have moved every year, and we haven’t had the savings that we felt we needed to purchase a house. My daughter has always known her “neighbors”, and they were always closer than the other side of […]
23Jan2008 | bryan | Comments Off on Apartments and Raising Kids | Continued![post thumbnail](
Struggling with winter blues, 1-15-08
Son, I am struggling with the winter blues. Generally I enjoy the changing of the seasons. My perennial flower gardens are one of the great joys of my life – I know spring has arrived when the Hostas first peek out from under the warm blanket of mulch. Summer brings grandchildren baseball games, grilled hamburgers, […]
15Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Struggling with winter blues, 1-15-08 | Continued![post thumbnail](
Google, searching for self
Son, Google is pretty cool. I entered my own name in the popular search engine. I entered my full name, Ohg Rea Tone, not knowing what I was hoping for. The results are rather enlightening. Historically people were named for their professions. Blacksmiths, those powerful men who forged steel by hand, became Smiths. File clerks […]
17Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Google, searching for self | Continued![post thumbnail](
having kids and making decisions
Dad, We are faced, as a family, with more life change. We have moved every year and even changed states three times in our short 5 year marriage. We are expecting our third child this summer, and we will have to figure out how to live in this little two bedroom apartment or upgrade to […]
10Dec2007 | bryan | 2 comments | Continued![post thumbnail](
Nebraska Mall Shooting
Son, Another tragedy in America, this time in Nebraska. A nineteen-year-young man walked into a mall with his step-father’s assault rifle and killed eight people before killing himself. The young man had a troubled life; the state estimated that it had invested $265,000 on his previous ‘treatment.’ This is not the first troubled youth to […]
9Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Nebraska Mall Shooting | Continued![post thumbnail](
Family Life and Family Values
Son, I respect the values you and your spouse have adopted. But life is not all or nothing – your choices have actually provided your family opportunities that others will not have. This is not criticism, this is a compliment. The ideas of no debt, of frugal money management, of thrift store shopping, of minimal […]
27Nov2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Family Life and Family Values | Continued![post thumbnail](
Simplicity and the Five Person Family
Dad, As you now know, my wife and I are having another baby. We are leaving the two child paradigm and entering into a new phase of family life. The idea of three children is a little daunting, but I think it will be good for us. The question becomes, “How do we maintain a […]
27Nov2007 | bryan | Comments Off on Simplicity and the Five Person Family | Continued![post thumbnail](
Of Mental Illness, church, and family
Son I wrote recently about depression. Meriwether Lewis was my inspiration – a man of undaunted courage who also suffered from depression. As noted, my case is mild, requiring a daily mental and physical discipline to keep all systems balanced. The discipline also requires staying connected socially. After all, at our primitive core, we are […]
21Nov2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Of Mental Illness, church, and family | Continued![post thumbnail](
Abortion – conflicting messages
Son, I just saw President Bush on TV stating that he believes, “…health care should be private because medical decisions should be between the patient and their doctor…” Whoa – Where did I hear that before? I don’t think the President was aware of what he was saying. President Bush just presented the fundamental argument […]
16Oct2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued![post thumbnail](
Washington Post and Faith
Son, I asked my brother to comment on some faith issues because I do not feel qualified – and I feel that he would have something to offer. He sent me an email with a link to the Washington Post. I don’t think he understood that I was inviting him to comment on our blog. […]
5Oct2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Washington Post and Faith | Continued![post thumbnail](
Proud to be an American!
Son, I wear my patriotism with pride. I am embarrassed by the representation of our American Republic by our current Presidential Administration. The current flavor of our Government is not what the Founding Fathers had in mind. The Second Amendment is not more important than the First Amendment, or the Fourth or the Fifth – […]
18Sep2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Proud to be an American! | Continued