All Posts Tagged With: "finance"

A Lax Regulatory Culture
Law, regulation, rules, structure, order, justice, fairness, equality – whatever we call the excretion of government – some of us will agree and some will not. From the Code of Hammurabi to the speed limits in Punkin Center, Missouri, rules have given structure and order to the culture of mankind. Hammurabi, as noted in the […]
23Apr2011 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Jon Stewart – We Need A Public Option
Jon Stewart demonstrates again why the Daily Show garners more Emmy wins than the other shows in their category. The writing is brilliant and Stewart pulls off the theatrics. The health care debate happening in our Congress has degenerated into a lame excuse for legislative action. Polls show that 65% of the population want a […]
1Oct2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Of Bankruptcies and Health Care
My friend, Frank, has big problems – financial problems. Like so many people today, his youth was consumed with self gratification. I remember those days – living like there is no tomorrow. Now he is fifty years old, has marginal labor skills, and the financial shock of an encounter with modern health care.
1Mar2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Of Bankruptcies and Health Care | Continued
Why Government Management of Auto Companies Will Not Work
The advocates of government intervention in our lives are having a great time. They are advocating the regulation of banking, which seems to be smart in light of recent revelations about banking management. And they are advocating dictates of management for the auto industry, this is not nearly as smart as they think. History for […]
10Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Debtor Nation – and deregulation of banking
Son, The current administration of George Bush has led directly to the faltering of the stock market. This follows with a faltering of our economic security and then, ultimately, our national security. So how does the administration get credit for this mess. The administration turned a blind eye to their corporate buddies who were gouging […]
18Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Debtor Nation – and deregulation of banking | Continued
John McCain wins New Hampshire
Son, I am relieved. John McCain is the best chance the GOP has of getting my vote. No – I don’t support the war in Iraq – but I like to think of myself as a multi issue voter. He has won New Hampshire in spite of Mitt Romney spending a small fortune. Ronmey’s loss […]
9Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on John McCain wins New Hampshire | Continued
Fear Must Not Choose a President
Son, When Benizir Bhutto was assassinated the entire world reacted. When the planes struck on 9/11 our government reacted. We Americans are again afraid. The moment we heard of the assassination all of us took two steps to the political right. Decisions made out of fear are not generally good decisions. But fear cannot be […]
28Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Fear Must Not Choose a President | Continued
Dave Ramsey, meet Joel Osteen
Son, We have talked several times about Dave Ramsey, monetary guru of Christianity. I have been wandering around the Dave Ramsey Web site and I see a great deal of information on debt management, how to get out of debt, and how to stay out of debt. This man is important in America today. I […]
17Oct2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | 12 comments | Continued
Dave Ramsey: the good, the bad, and the ugly…
Dad, When my wife and I moved to Nashville, Tn a few years ago we had nothing but some debt, a few barely marketable skills and a toddler. We weren’t sure now the new life we were living together and the new value system that we were trying to implement married the idea of money […]
1Oct2007 | bryan | 7 comments | Continued