All Posts Tagged With: "Fireside"

Thomas Franklin, New Fireside Contributor
Thomas Franklin and I became friends in 2006. He was an inpatient at a Substance Abuse Treatment Center where I served as a counselor. That program was a 21 day residential care. There was a stipend program at the Center. This allowed up to two clients to remain residents, receive free food, and free intensive […]
2Dec2017 | Gary Clark | 1 comment | Continued is Back On Line. Bluehost, SiteLock, and Malware
What a pain in the whazoo. Sorry for the down time folks. We are back on line. Here is the deal as I understand it. I am not a good wordpress site administrator. My son usually does that work but he actually has a real job so I have been taking care of updating our […]
1Dec2016 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on is Back On Line. Bluehost, SiteLock, and Malware | Continued
Josh Has Joined
Josh was once a good boy. He lost his way. We find him today hanging out with the outlaw of his family – Ohg Tone. Seriously, Josh is my nephew, and a fine writer. I have watched him over the years, watched him grow in to a young man, watched him explore religion, watched him […]
31May2016 | Gary Clark | 2 comments | Continued
Ethics in Journalism – Blogging
Blogging is writing on the edge of the cliff. Blogging is a perilous business. Blogger can write anything they want – but if bloggers want to attract regular readers and build a following – they should follow some code of ethics. Even aside from any commercial or egotistical success – as members of the civilized […]
6Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Ethics in Journalism – Blogging | Continued
Ethics in Journalism – Act Independently
Is Opinion different than reporting news – certainly. The Fireside Post is all about opinion – and we clarify our bias in “Who Are These Guys.” In terms of ‘acting independently’ we are the champions. We have no affiliations other than the United Methodist Church – and only one of us participates there. What might […]
6Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Ethics in Journalism – Act Independently | Continued
Ethics In Journalism – Minimize Harm
Journalism on the internet has corrupted the world of reporting. The Fireside Post is an opinion magazine, with our bias clearly stated in “Who Are These Guys.” Even admitting we are about opinion does not excuse us from having some ethical boundaries. This is the second post in a series examining journalistic ethics. We will […]
5Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Ethics In Journalism – Minimize Harm | Continued
Responding to Christians
Son, Lay off the Betty Bowers web site – your judgment is beginning to drift. Just kidding. I am extremely pleased with you. I am pleased with your ability with the written word and with your willingness to tackle tough issues. I fear that your interpretation of my post was based more on how you […]
27Sep2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Responding to Christians | Continued
Proud to be an American!
Son, I wear my patriotism with pride. I am embarrassed by the representation of our American Republic by our current Presidential Administration. The current flavor of our Government is not what the Founding Fathers had in mind. The Second Amendment is not more important than the First Amendment, or the Fourth or the Fifth – […]
18Sep2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Proud to be an American! | Continued
Founding Fathers – Liberals all!
Son, I am fascinated by your ideology. You have achieved my dream for you – a dream that you would grow to be an independent thinker – a dream that you would base your thoughts on basic, solid, values. Your values are solid – belief in the basic goodness of humanity, belief in progress (let’s […]
18Sep2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Founding Fathers – Liberals all! | Continued
Babies Vs. Politicians: Who is Smarter?
Son, A national magazine recently had an article titled ‘Babies Vs. Chimps.” It felt like I was reading an article on ‘Babies Vs. American Politicians.” The study examined theories of general-intelligence versus cultural-intelligence. The different study groups “performed about equally well on ‘physical learning’ – locating hidden objects…understanding concepts of more and less, using a […]
17Sep2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Babies Vs. Politicians: Who is Smarter? | Continued
Angry Grandfathers Do Not Pray!
Son, I’m with you. A continued, recurring illness in your little four year old girl is terribly frustrating. One of my favorite optimistic sayings is, “We should be grateful that we live in an era of modern medicine.” But what do we do when the health care system comes up short? I don’t have […]
16Sep2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Angry Grandfathers Do Not Pray! | Continued
Praying for Help
Dad, It is Sunday morning and your granddaughter has a fever again. She finished her antibiotics two days a go, and this is becoming a frustratingly familiar story. People have been suggesting alternative medicines, our neighbor is a chiropractor, my mother-in-law is concerned about all of the antibiotics that my daughter is taking. At first, […]
16Sep2007 | bryan | 1 comment | Continued
Let Us Have Peace, Shall We?
Dad, Our ship’s boatswain used to tell us, “look for problems, you’ll find them. Look for solutions, you’ll not find problems.” I think this can be applied to our current political climate. I don’t like the administration, but I don’t want to hear about it anymore. I want us all to get to work on […]
13Sep2007 | bryan | Comments Off on Let Us Have Peace, Shall We? | Continued
Denial – Outdated Mythology
Son, There is a huge mistake by Addiction Treatment Professionals, law enforcement, and the courts in addressing the problem of alcohol and drug addiction. The dominant philosophy the past thirty years has been that the central problem is one of denial. That is to say, the belief that alcoholics and addicts have abnormally robust denial […]
12Sep2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Denial – Outdated Mythology | Continued
Addictions – Losing Control
Son, Dante wrote The Inferno. I am not sure about this – anyone can correct me if they wish, but I think Dante described the greatest sin as giving up control of your life to something external – gluttony, sloth, envy, greed, power, or addiction. The punishment for violating the greatest sin was total loss […]
11Sep2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Addictions – Losing Control | Continued
George W. Bush Presidential Library
Son, People can be funny, creative, facetious and sarcastic. Our local newspaper has a column called “It’s your call.” They allow people to call in and leave comments. There is little editing and the column gets heavy criticism from local officials. Today there is a clever comment: How about putting the George Bush Presidential Library […]
11Sep2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on George W. Bush Presidential Library | Continued
the politics of the modern crusades…
Dad I am a Democrat today because I cannot subscribe to the politics of the modern crusades. I have, in the past, been afraid to state a political position or defend a political candidate. I have also been reluctant to attack a public figure for fear that I might find in my heart that I […]
11Sep2007 | bryan | 2 comments | Continued
My Opinion on Convictions
Son, I admire your determination. Opinions are the fodder of intellect, just academic talk until applied. Conviction is the result of integrating opinion with life experience. Our life experience will test our opinions – if we come out the other side with the same opinion then we call it conviction. We know many things – […]
10Sep2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on My Opinion on Convictions | Continued
Bush says ‘Never!’ how smart is that
Son, I know a lot of people my age who, over time, have violated their own principles. They said “NEVER!” They were wrong. They were wrong to say never and they were wrong to violate their own principles. “Never” is a word that denies our own humanness. George double-u Bush is one of those folks […]
10Sep2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
The pain of cultural frontiers
Son, You are exploring cultural frontiers. You have left the safe harbor of familiarity to seek new ideas about living. Like Lewis and Clark, you find fear and uncertainty. I admire your courage. What is courage, Son? When people act on their convictions, even knowing that there will be pain associated with their behavior, we […]
7Sep2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
I think I’ll have a seat
Son – I have read your introductory entry. You have addressed the reader – so shall I. My son has asked me to write with him. With him, to him, at him – something, I’m not quite sure. I read his first post, the introduction to this blog. He said the purpose was not a […]
22Aug2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on I think I’ll have a seat | Continued