All Posts Tagged With: "Ford"

Is Bailling Out the Big Three Like Bailing Out Your Neighbor?
The Senate yesterday failed to reach an agreement on the bailout package for the auto industry, meaning that it will probably be January before the industry can get any help. This is something that is being “cussed and discussed,” as my grandfather would have said, in many circles. Everyone has an opinion, and everyone is […]
12Dec2008 | bryan | 1 comment | Continued
Why Government Management of Auto Companies Will Not Work
The advocates of government intervention in our lives are having a great time. They are advocating the regulation of banking, which seems to be smart in light of recent revelations about banking management. And they are advocating dictates of management for the auto industry, this is not nearly as smart as they think. History for […]
10Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Detroit Bailout – an Ethical Conundrum
This writer has often defined self as being an economic conservative and a social liberal. Normally there is not much conflict in that ideology. I will help my neighbor as long as I don’t have to borrow money in the endeavor. I will not enable my neighbor to continue poor behavior by bailing him out […]
19Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued