All Posts Tagged With: "forest"

The Allegory of the Forest – Carl Jung’s Collective
There are no more trees. No more forested wildlife. Humans no longer have terms for forest or wildlife. The Earth was deforested many years ago. Some older adults remember playing in the woods. No pictures, photographs, exist. There are many drawings by children. Some drawings are done in pencil, others in water colors – some […]
28Feb2013 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on The Allegory of the Forest – Carl Jung’s Collective | Continued
EPA Puts Republicans on Endangered Species List
The Environmental Protection Agency, a cousin to the National Parks, has declared the species of neanderthal Republicans to be endangered. Qualifying as endangered provides specific government protection. Specifically, the EPA is developing a Republican Wildlife Refuge. Preliminary plans are to locate the Refuge in Alaska. Drastic action is called for after a recent study by […]
7Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on EPA Puts Republicans on Endangered Species List | Continued