All Posts Tagged With: "Freedom Works"

The Romantic Tax Protest – Where Is Zorro When You Need Him
The romantic hero, the person who fights the establishment, the archetype who defends the poor, who fights the tax collector, steals from the rich to give to the poor – Where is Zorro when you need him? Where are Robin Hood, The Three Musketeers, and Jesus – all great heroes who challenged the established norm? […]
14Apr2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Romantic Tax Protest – Where Is Zorro When You Need Him | Continued
Social Solidarity in a Troubled World
When people suffer anxiety and fear, whether from physical insecurity, economic strife, or terrorism, they form what Robert Muchembled calls social solidarities. These systems of survival come in a variety of forms. Many folks form loose confraternities around causes: Global Warming, Abortion, Guns, Political Parties, Civil Rights, Feminism, Gay-Lesbian Rights, and even around faith based […]
7Apr2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Social Solidarity in a Troubled World | Continued
The Dark Art of Rovian Politics – Flavored With Threats of Violence
The campaign for Party control of our country has entered a troubling time. The GOP Camp is stirring the pot, adding the spice of violent threats, flavoring with acidic language, hoping for a secret potion. The stew is beginning to boil, steam is wafting, dark clouds forming, and the warlock is pleased. The dark arts […]
30Mar2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 3 comments | Continued