All Posts Tagged With: "frugal"

Postcards From the RNC, Robo Calls That Is!
I keep getting robo calls from the RNC…. They desperately need $75 from me to fight the biased media and drain the swamp. What?? That is roughly 1/12th of my total monthly income. I have no problem telling them I am living on Social Security and not much of that, but I’m talking to deaf […]
21Nov2017 | Nancy Belle | 0 comments | Continued
The Poverty Inoculation – Gratitude
This economy was beginning to make me sick. My stock portfolio has lost half of the value. Dividends are now 5% of $10 instead of 5% of $20 – so my income is shredded. The identification thieves skip my trash can – there is nothing left to steal. The illness was creeping into my neurological […]
24Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Frugal Halloween Costume Ideas
My wife and I went to the local department store to get costumes for our children. We could not believe what the prices are anymore. As a child I remember Halloween costumes being nothing more that two pieces of plastic colored to look like your favorite villain or hero. With a plastic mask painted as […]
13Oct2008 | Cole James | Comments Off on Frugal Halloween Costume Ideas | Continued