All Posts Tagged With: "funny"

Donald Trump Jokes
“Last night, Donald Trump said if he’s elected, he will employ a ‘deportation task force.’ It’s not really necessary, because if he’s elected most people will probably leave voluntarily.” –Conan O’Brien “The Boston Globe just reported that according to his campaign staff, Donald Trump wouldn’t take any vacations as president. I think that’s because he […]
15Sep2016 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on Donald Trump Jokes | Continued
Letterman on Tiger Woods
That Dave Letterman is either really funny or he has no sense of shame. He said he wished Tiger would quit calling him for advice. That may have been intended as a joke but perhaps Tiger could use a little advice right now. Jay Leno said of Letterman’s affair that Dave never presented himself as […]
8Dec2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Commercials for Perverts
Am I just a pervert, or what? These commercials have unintentional sexual innuendos. Check them out and see if you are a pervert too! EMBED-Really Awkward Car Commercial Slogan – Watch more free videos
12Oct2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Commercials for Perverts | Continued