All Posts Tagged With: "Gore"

Steven Colbert, FOX, and Global Warming
It is February – in North America. It is snowing, and the temperature hovers around freezing. In two months it will be April, the average daily temperature will hover around 55-60 degrees. What can this possibly mean? Can this mean that North America’s climate is seasonal – or does this mean the global weather is […]
11Feb2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
McCain has been Doled and Gored
What happened to John McCain? Our thought is that McCain has been Doled and Gored. We are speaking of course of Bob Dole and Al Gore. Both Dole and Gore ran for President – both of them lost. After the elections both Dole and Gore returned to their natural persona’s. Where was that guy, we […]
17Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Vice Presidents – how do we measure
There is a big hoopla about Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as the Republican Vice Presidential nominee. Why don’t we measure Governor Palin against past Vice Presidents? Let’s take a look at the last seven. Dick Cheney Al Gore Dan Quayle George H. W. Bush Walter Mondale Gerald Ford Nelson Rockefeller Rank these people in terms […]
2Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 4 comments | Continued
Clean Electricity in Ten Years
We have written several times on Global Warming – now real money is being invested in educating the human populations about this fundamental truth of our time. The following is a video advertisement running on many television networks – This writer likes the music and the imagery. [wp_youtube]ydOPBL5iO2Y[/wp_youtube] has several good videos. We are […]
10Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Clean Electricity in Ten Years | Continued
New Al Gore video on climate change
Al Gore says this better than I.
8Apr2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Al Gore in Obama Administration
What role might Al Gore play in the upcoming Barack Obama Presidential Administration. Here is a good discussion on MSNBC:
3Apr2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Al Gore in Obama Administration | Continued
Ralph Nader is a Beetle
Son, Ralph Nader is running for President – again. Well, he is not actually running for President – he is running for wackiest looney to have ever achieved notoriety. His sad story began with legitimate consumer safety studies that changed the way people view transportation. He changed the world of auto making – and in […]
24Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued