All Posts Tagged With: "Guantanamo"

Really Tired of Liberal Complaining
It is just me – or has the left wing of the liberal loonies gone completely Rovian. You surely remember Karl Rove – the master of negative Rovian Politics (RP’s). Liberal wackos like Arianna Huffington and Ed Shultz are taking their cues from Mr. Rove. In rural Missouri parlance it is called: Bitch! Bitch! Bitch! […]
28Dec2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Liberal Blog Proud of President Obama
We are proud of our President. And we are considered by the radical right to be far left liberals. But President Obama has thrown some change-up shots across home plate. We used to say, “Never throw a change-up to a weak hitter.” The weak hitters are swinging like lunatics at some of President Obama’s policy […]
15May2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Obama, Cheney, Gitmo, and the Founding Fathers
In the beginning there was a revolution. Talk of revolution whispered through the ranks of community leaders. The whispering was necessary because if King George III heard of the treasonous acts he would have the perpetrators jailed, and the possibly deported to some far off prison colony – all with out the benefit of due process. The leaders finally agreed on revolution, a Declaration of Independence was drafted, and the participants secretly stole into Philadelphia to sign the now historic document.
14Jan2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Guantanamo Bay Cuba and the ACLU
Son, I received the following email encouraging an email or on-line petition. I added the italics: “January 11, 2008 will mark six years since the first 20 prisoners arrived at Guantánamo Bay Cuba. Since then, 775 prisoners have passed through the gates and no trials have been completed. As a symbol of freedom and democracy […]
12Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Guantanamo Bay Cuba and the ACLU | Continued