All Posts Tagged With: "gun violence"

Fireside Issues | Gun Violence
We have to protect our society. It is a moral imperative. We have to stop arguing about which guns you can own and which guns I can own. That has mostly been settled. The real culprit here is an industry unchecked, riding the wave of public opinion to profits beyond your imagination.
22Feb2017 | bryan | 3 comments | ContinuedObama, Racism, And Gun Violence in South Chicago
A family buried their daughter today. 15 year old Hadiya Pendleton was killed earlier this week by that crazy phenomenon of irrational gun violence. Did I mention that Hidiva was black? Did we note she was killed on Chicago’s South Side – the epicenter of gun violence in new reports. This is tough to talk […]
9Feb2013 | Ohg Rea Tone | 4 comments | Continued
Marketing War to Children
At a Fourth of July carnival last weekend, I was pushing our double stroller and sweating to the tinny sound of bad music while my children begged their grandparents for tickets to ride the Ferris Wheel. I was looking around and considering the impact that these events have on my children, since I remember being naively fond of them when I was young. It was almost as though things came into focus all of a sudden when I realized that about half of the games and vendors and rides had guns.
9Jul2009 | bryan | Comments Off on Marketing War to Children | Continued