All Posts Tagged With: "healing"

Healing Before Empowering
Christianity is good for both men and women, even when it does not empower us. Americans often carry the illusion that empowering a person is always a good thing, but a moment of reflection clears up that optimistic fantasy. Bad people should not be empowered and good people already are. Jesus Christ provides a way […]
28Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Healing Before Empowering | Continued
Deepak Chopra, holy and healing
Son, “There is only God and nothing else,” Deepak Chopra. This wonderful man has true inspiration, in intellect, spirituality, and emotion…. The Washington Post, probably my favorite internet site, offers regular videos on spirituality – here is an interview with Deepak Chopra:
1Mar2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Deepak Chopra, holy and healing | Continued